Sunday, December 23, 2012

Mailbox Monday: The Christmas Eve Edition

Happy holidays to all of my wonderful readers!  Whichever holidays you celebrate, I hope this time of togetherness with family and friends includes ample warmth and joy--and some quiet, reflective moments with a book or two. 

Last week, I didn't receive a lot of books in the mail, but I did get a hefty parcel from author Sherban Young.  The package included Fleeting Glance and two copies of Fleeting Memory (one to read and one to give away to a reader), and some fun bookmarks. The covers on these might make you think they're graphic novels but they're in fact "MysteryCaper" books, lighthearted, humorous mysteries.  I've already started to read the first one, Fleeting Memory (I'm enjoying it so far).  After the holiday busy-ness subsides, I'm looking forward to spending solid quality time with these books.  I've been wanting to read more "cozies" and these should fit the bill.

Mailbox Monday is the ideal way to "show off" our new books.  Created by Marcia, who has established various book blogs as well as the Mailbox Monday blog, this meme has been "on tour" for the past couple of years; I'm happily hosting this month!  What new books appeared in your mailbox recently?  Or perhaps you've gotten some new books for Christmas (or another holiday).  Please leave a comment after linking.  Thank you!


  1. Happy Holidays! Thanks for hosting Mailbox Monday this month.

  2. I hope you enjoy the cozies! Merry Christmas!

  3. Best wishes to you and yours also, I hope your Christmas is everything you wish it to be.

  4. Happy Holidays to you too! I didn't receive anything in the mail recently but I'm hoping *crossing fingers* there'll be a book or two under the Christmas tree with my name on it :)

  5. Glad you're already enjoying your new books. Merry Christmas!

  6. I hope you love your new books! Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  7. I hope you're showered with books for Christmas. :-) Have a very merry one and enjoy your reading this week.

  8. Beautiful Christmas tree.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    Enjoy your books.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  9. Merry Christmas Suko! Love your tree! May you have time to read and find some quiet time!

  10. Merry Christmas to you. I think I need to read more "cozy mysteries" next year. I always enjoy them. My Post is Here

  11. Have a wonderful week, and enjoy your holidays with some great reading!

  12. It appears my link is broken. I don't know what is wrong. Sorry

  13. Best wishes to you & yours for Xmas & the New Year.

  14. I received the Sherban Young books, too. Don't they look good?

    Merry Christmas and have a great week!

  15. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Suko!

  16. Hope you had a great holiday! Enjoy your bookish goodies.

  17. Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family, Suko! What a beautiful Christmas tree :) I hope you are having the best of times :) And hope you enjoy your reads as well.

  18. That is a beautiful tree Suko. I hope you had a Merry Christmas :)
    Happy reading, the Sherban Young books look good.

  19. Thank you all for the comments. I wish everyone a happy and healthy new year!

  20. They look interesting! Hope you had a lovely Christmas!

  21. I know I'm terribly late but I hope your Christmas was wonderful! Happy New Year!


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