Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mailbox Monday: The New Year's Eve Edition

2012 sped by for me!  I'd like to wish all of my readers a happy and healthy new year!  Do you have any resolutions for the new year?  My resolution for 2013 is two deceptively simple words: read more

Last week, I received two books.  From Zibilee's wonderful blog, Raging Bibliomania, I won Runaway Girl by Carissa Phelps, which sounds like a touching and inspiring memoir.  Forks Over Knives by Gene Stone, a book about the health benefits of a plant-based diet, was under our fragrant fir tree on Christmas morning.  I'm not a vegetarian, but I don't eat a lot of meat, and I'm always eager to learn more about health, so I think I'll find this book quite interesting. 

Mailbox Monday is a marvelous way to share our new books.  Created by Marcia, who has set up several book blogs as well as a blog devoted solely to Mailbox Monday, this meme has been "on tour" for the past few years.  I've greatly enjoyed hosting Mailbox Monday for the month of December.  Lori's Reading Corner will be the host of Mailbox Monday for the month of January.

What new books arrived in your mailbox or home recently?  Please leave a comment after linking.  Thank you!


  1. Thanks for being such a great host this month. It's been nice getting to know you! Have a wonderful New Year's.
    2 Kids and Tired Books MM

  2. Hi Suko,

    Two great books this week and I hope that you enjoy them both, although I am not sure that I would be rushing out to buy either of them personally.

    I am by no means a vegetarian, however if we are out for a meal, it is often the case that I will order the vegetarian selection, as it always tastes so much better when it is professionally prepared, so perhaps this is a book that I should read, save myself a heap of cash and get healthy into the bargain!!

    Thanks for being such a great host and have a great New Year.


  3. Thank you for hosting for this busy month! Runaway Girl looks interesting, enjoy!

  4. Thank you for hosting in what is such a busy month.

  5. I know someone who changed her entire diet after reading Forks over Knives.
    Thanks for hosting in December. Happy New Year!

  6. Enjoy your books and happy new year.

  7. Happy and Healthy New Year Suko! Happy reading! You have been a great mailbox mondays host this month :)

  8. I bought forks over knives for myself for Christmas after watching the FREE download at Netflix. It is very informative and will definitely change how you view food.

    I downloaded a few things over the holidays and have been working through them. In 2013, I intend to read more too, Susan. I have begun doing more reviews also, especially on free work downloaded through smashwords and kindle.

    these authors are to be commended on great and entertaining reads. might as well be me!

  9. Thanks for hosting for December, Suko, and have a great week! Also...Happy New Year.

  10. They both look good...enjoy.

    Thanks for hosting for December.

    Happy New Year!!

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  11. Forks Over Knives looks really interesting. I'm trying to move us all over to a more plant based diet here but I'm getting a lot of kickback at the moment. Good thing I'm the most stubborn person in this house! ;-)

  12. You know I love memoirs! Your diet sounds an awful lot like mine so I'll be curious to see what you think of Forks Over Knives. Happy New Year!!

  13. The presentation of your new books makes them even more appealing; enjoy. Happy Happy New Year.

    1. You are kind, Diane. I took this shot with my phone, but at least it's HDR.:) Have a wonderful New Year!

  14. Thanks for being our wonderful host this month.

    I don't eat much meat either so Forks Over Knives is a book for me.

  15. Both books sound great, especially Forks Over Knives. Thanks so much for hosting MM in December and I hope you accomplish your resolution to read more in 2013!

  16. Thanks for being such a great host. I've kind of quit reading self-help books and diet books. I should try to read more of those. Have a great New Year!

  17. Thanks for hosting the last MM of 2012! Happy reading in 2013!

  18. Hi Suko! Thanks again for Hosting in December. Enjoy your new books. I have a friend who would especially like Forks over Knives. :-)
    Happy New Year!

  19. Wish you and yours a great new year. May 2013 be wonderful for you! :)

  20. I'm always up for a good memoir and think Runaway Girl is one that would hold my attention! And thanks for being a great Mailbox Monday host for December!

  21. I love your little photo of your books with the sparkly thing!

  22. Those both look interesting...I hope you enjoy them :)

  23. Good job hosting Mailbox Monday in December, Suko!

  24. Your books look great! I recently received Shadows & Strongholds by Elizabeth Chadwick and The India Fan by Victoria Holt - both authors I highly enjoy. I can't wait to read them for March!!

  25. Only me Petty Witter but with a different name. I don't know how or why but my blog has changed to google+, my blog profile has disappeared and I'm unable to sign in as Petty Witter which is causing some confusion. Anyone else having similar issues?

    Anyway, loving the festive look to this post. Here's to happy reading in 2013.


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