~ A Brief Moment of Weightlessness, Victoria Fish
A Brief Moment of Weightlessness: Stories
~ Where Do You Find a Turtle with No Legs? is written in the third person from the point of view of a fourth-grader, Maddie, who has just found a flattened turtle on the road, and is thinking about her father, who's in jail.
~ A Brief Moment of Weightlessness is written in the first person from the perspective of Frances; this story centers around her family's week long summer trip to a cabin on a lake in Maine.
~ The Sari is written in the third person from point of view of Sarah, a college student taking a semester abroad in India, who has a dream about her deceased mother.
~ Green Line is written in the third person from the point of view of Adam, who goes to see Esme and his daughter, Lily.
~ Unleashed is written in the third person from the point of view of Alison from the Pet Visiting Program, who brings a dog and her four-year-old son, Thomas, to the nursing home.
~ What is the Color Blue? is written in the third person from the point of view of Claire, who becomes friends with her striking new neighbor, Isabel, who has just moved to Vermont.
~ Sanctuary Therapy is written in the first person from the perspective of Emily, whose son, Jackson, is being treated for cancer.
~ The Last and Kindest Thing is written in the third person from the point of view of Adam, whose dog, Banjo, is nearing the end of his life. (Adam is also in the story Green Line.)
~ Phantom Pain is written in the third person, from the point of view of Katherine, whose husband, Eddie, has lost part of his leg.
~ The Voice at the End of the Line is written in the third person from the point of view of Valerie; her daughter, Delia, calls her in the middle of the night while Valerie's on a business trip.
~ Between the Dream and Here is written in the third person from the point of view of Martha Waterman, an elderly woman who has just seen her childhood friend, Kate, in a dream.
These very brief descriptions give you an idea about the content of the stories, which are about family and friends and feelings. The collection begins with a story from the point of view of a young girl, and ends with the perspective of an elderly woman. In between are stories with main characters of varying ages, in different stages of life. It's through these varied and distinct voices and perspectives that we see the world, and are transported by fiction into the lives of others.
Although I'm still not certain of the best way to review a collection of short stories, I'm certain that I need to express my admiration for Victoria Fish's writing. It's truly astonishing. What makes these stories so extraordinary? The dialogue in these stories seems natural and authentic. I also think it's the amount of description and detail that the author uses throughout her stories--not too little, not too much--but exactly the right amount which brings these stories to life, and makes them real, believable, and touching. The situations and emotions in these stories are familiar, and as I immersed myself in them, I experienced the feelings of the main characters. I felt empathy and cared about the characters. Victoria Fish skillfully captures fleeting moments, and infuses her stories with a rare emotional depth. I enjoyed this collection very much, and would eagerly read more short stories, or other work, by this gifted author.
I am very pleased to be able to share this exquisite collection of short stories with a reader. Mayapple Press is generously offering a copy of A Brief Moment of Weightlessness as a giveaway (U.S./Canada only).
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Enter by 5 PM PDT on Monday, October 6. One winner will be selected randomly and announced on Tuesday, October 7. Good luck!