Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tonight's the Night

Tonight I'll be relaxing in Botswana with a cup of steaming rooibos. The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency movie series, based on the books by Alexander McCall Smith, debuts tonight in the U. S. on HBO at 8 PM PDT (please check your local listings as times may vary). I can't wait to see it at last! I expect it to be wonderful. For a peek at the show, you can watch The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency trailers.

I've read all of the books in this series, with, of course, the exception of the new one, Tea Time for the Traditionally Built, which is due out next month, and which I look greatly forward to reading.


  1. I watched and I enjoyed! An uplifting series of stories suitable for family viewing.

  2. So it finally came! Please tell us what you think about it after ;)

  3. Anon, thanks for commenting.

    Mee, I enjoyed the first episode of the series and thought it was well done. The performances were excellent and the setting, Botswana, was breathtaking. I hope you'll be able to enjoy it soon in Australia.

  4. I can't wait till it hits our screens! Thanks for your review.

  5. Mervat, the books and TV series are wonderful. Thanks for taking the time to post a comment.


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