Having recently read and reviewed Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, I am thrilled to present this interview with the book's author, Jamie Ford.
1) Welcome, Jamie! Let's talk about the inspiration behind Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet. I learned from the interview at the back of the book that this novel started out as a short story about the "I am Chinese" button that Henry Lee, the protagonist, wears, which was actually worn by your own father, who was 100% Chinese. This became the third chapter in your book. Is that your favorite chapter? You also have a chapter called, I Am Japanese. Did you plan that in advance? What or who else inspired you to write this novel?
JF: Hmmm . . . I probably don't have a favorite chapter in particular, but that one certainly feels like an old friend. As far as the chapter entitled, I Am Japanese, I was probably channeling a lifetime of people asking me if I was Korean, or Japanese, or Native American, or . . . Russian. Not sure how I'd be mistaken for Russian, but it's happened. Not a big deal really. I'm sure there are plenty of Finns mistaken for Swedes, and Scots mistaken for Irishman.
As far as inspiration, one taproot that I rarely talk about is my adoptive grandfather, James Eng--one of the finest people I've ever known. His relationship to my grandmother was very similar to Henry's relationship with his own wife--loyal and devoted, despite a lot of history that wasn't always perfect. Which is probably why I named Henry's wife Ethel, after my grandmother.
2) Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet is told in the split narrative: past (1942, 1945) and present (1986). In the first chapter, it's 1986 and there's a large crowd at the Panama Hotel (a real hotel in Seattle and surviving landmark of Nihonmachi, Japantown) as the discovery of the belongings of thirty-seven Japanese families is announced. This really happened, and the belongings provide a time capsule of the war years. This discovery makes Henry remember his long lost love, and we remember how cruel this episode in American history was, when Japanese families in America were evacuated to internment camps. Do you think people today have forgotten about the Japanese internment, and has America made enough reparations?
JF: As far as reparations, I think so. But I wasn't personally affected so it's not really for me to say. But from a distance, and having done a lot of research, I think the redress--the apology itself--was worth more than any monetary payment. It allowed families that had avoided discussing these events to begin a dialog, with their children, with their friends and neighbors, which allowed for healing and closure.
But the other question, do I think people have forgotten? Sadly, yes. I've had scores of readers write in telling me that they never really knew much about the internment. I've had reviewers doubt the veracity of the internment experience as depicted. I even checked my daughter's 8th grade history book--which has two short paragraphs about the internment, in a book of 600+ pages.
But then again, I went to Marcus Whitman Junior High, and I have no recollection of who Marcus Whitman was or what he did, so America's forgetting their history is not limited to aspects of social justice.
3) In the book, Henry meets Keiko Okabe, a pretty Japanese girl with chestnut-brown eyes, at the all-white Rainier Elementary School. As the only Asians at Rainier, they are teased and taunted. Henry and Keiko forge a special friendship which turns into young love (they are only 12 when they meet). Was it difficult to write about such a young, "Romeo and Juliet" type of relationship? Does the fact that their association is forbidden by Henry's father make it more intense and appealing to Henry?
JF: Funny you should ask. I had one agent offer representation but only if I agreed to make Henry and Keiko eighteen, so they could, "Fully explore their relationship", as this agent put it. I just didn't want to go there. I wanted to retain a very simple innocence, it was easier and less complicated. It's not that I couldn't write a sweatier version of HOTEL, I just didn't think that approach was warranted. I wanted the love story to be all-consuming, not all consummating. Regarding the second question--for the reader, a cross-cultural love story is more intense and appealing, but for poor Henry, it was probably his worst nightmare. He fell in love with a girl, she just happened to be Japanese. I don't think he went out of his way to ruin his father's expectations, it was just a byproduct of assimilating into western society.
(It's a sweet love story precisely because of their innocence. And it's clear in your book that Henry doesn't set out to fall for a girl of the "wrong" nationality--it just happens.)
4) Music plays a prominent role in your book. Henry is obsessed with jazz music. He covers his school books with old jazz-club fliers, befriends a street musician, Sheldon Thomas, and loves the music of Oscar Holden, who's considered to be the patriarch of Seattle jazz. Is this part of the story autobiographical? If this novel were made into a movie, what songs would need to be included on the soundtrack?
JF: I always get asked if I'm a jazz aficionado, and I have to confess that I'm more of a blues-man--I love Taj Mahal and Buddy Guy. But for me, the jazz in HOTEL is emblematic of the passage of time. Of gentrification and loss. At one time South Jackson boasted 38 jazz clubs. There were orchestras, which shrunk into combos and quartets, then trios, and finally piano bars. Now, when most people think about Seattle jazz, they think about Kenny G, and that breaks my heart. If there were a movie soundtrack it'd need to be a Duke Ellington kind of arrangement, but sung by Erykah Badu, who I love and whose voice is a dead-ringer for Billie Holiday. And of course a few numbers sung by Oscar Holden's daughter, Grace, who still performs in Seattle.
(Shorter questions now!)
5) Obviously you did a lot of research for this book. How did you go about researching?
JF: The first thing I did was to buy a map of Seattle, circa 1939, off of eBay. I just needed to see what the place looked like, before the district was bumped south and before I-5 bisected the neighborhood Then I dove into all kinds of non-fiction books, spent time at the Wing Luke Asian Museum in Seattle, met with Doug Chin, a local historian. I got my feet dirty walking in the streets and alleys. I also spent hours in the basement of the Panama Hotel itself, which was a fascinating and humbling experience.
6) Any "secrets" or advice for aspiring writers?
JF: Brandon Sanderson said it best: Allow yourself to suck. You wouldn't sit down at the piano and expect to play Mozart, would you? Of course not, you sit down and plink away at Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star and work your way up. The same rules and expectations apply to writing. So many aspiring writers try to play Mozart right away and when they can't they throw up their hands and say, "I can't do it, I don't have any talent, I'm not a writer". Writing is a craft that needs to be learned and practiced. There are no wasted words. Keep writing.
7) Is there another book in the works? (Fingers crossed!)
JF: Nope, I'm done--nothing but ghostwriters for me from here on out. Okay, I might have another book in the works, and it might be called Whispers of a Thunder God, and it might be about a student conscript who becomes a kamikaze pilot, and it might be another love story, and it might happen to hit shelves in early 2011. Just sayin'.
And I might need to read it! Thank you so much for doing this interview, Jamie.

Nice interview! The author sounds like a lot of fun and the book sounds so good. I love split narratives like that.
ReplyDeletegreat interview! I have to say that the lack of history in "history" books in schools today is really sad but then again we have such a rich history it's hard to fit anything but the "basics" in to a 180 day school year.
ReplyDeleteGreat interview Susan. I was disappointed that he does not have another book in the works as I enjoyed this novel a lot.
ReplyDeleteBermudaonion, thanks! I also like split narratives, especially when they're easy to follow.
ReplyDeleteRenee, thank you. Historical fiction is a great way to learn about history.
Diane, luckily, he does have another book in the works! Thanks for stopping by.
More comments welcomed.
Lovely interview. I have yet to read this book. I am so pleased to hear that I can suck at my writing to begin with, because at the moment, what I am writing definitely fits in this category.
ReplyDeleteVivienne, you are so funny--and already a wonderful writer. His advice to aspiring writers made me feel better, too, a bit more hopeful. Thanks so much for your comment.
ReplyDeleteMore comments welcomed of course.
Great interview -I will look for this book-it would be interesting to learn more of the interment experience
ReplyDeleteGreat interview Suko ! Love the writing advice, which is very good and also timeless. Someone once said if you were learning to play violin would you ask your friends and family to come here you play the first week? Month? year? No! and so it is with writing... give it time to mature and grow... then rent Carnegie Hall!
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that he kept the ages of Henry and Keiko the same - and didn't go for a "sweatier" version - because I want my 13-year-old daughter to read it.
ReplyDeleteSuko you are the best interviewer! I don't know how you come up with such insightful thoughts and questions!
ReplyDeleteI did not know anything about whats discussed in the 2nd question and I surely think I totally want to read this one! totally!!!
Great interview, thanks to the author and you!
Mel, it has been interesting to learn about the Japanese internment camps; this is why I enjoy historical fiction so much.
ReplyDeleteKim, thanks for adding your great comment about Carnegie Hall--it's perfect!
Carrie, I'm also glad this book is rated "G". I'd like my kids to read it, too.
Veens, you are too kind.
Thanks for all the comments. :) More welcomed.
Great interview! I recently read this book and loved it--your questions were insightful and the author's advice on writing gives hope to me and others I'm sure :)
ReplyDeleteGita T.
Diane, it sounds as though Jamie does have another book in the works, "Whispers of a Thunder God" and it is due out in early 2011. Something wonderful to look forward to!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Veens, that Suko comes up with insightful thoughts and questions. Lovely, thorough interview, great author. Thanks for enlightening us, Suko!
Thanks for the great interview!
GT, thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Jamie was great to share some words of wisdom with aspiring writers.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, thank you as well for your kind words.
Jamie, you're quite welcome! Thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to do this interview, and to leave a comment here and after my review. I look forward to reading your next book!
Additional comments welcomed.
What a great interview, Suko! I really want to read this book, and have heard a lot of wonderful things about it. It's nice to have gotten a little more background on both the author and the book! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview! I am so looking forward to reading this book and this interview has peaked my interest even more!
ReplyDeleteWonderful interview, this book is in my TBR. He gives some good advice for aspiring writers!
Zibilee, Amused, and Naida, thanks for your positive comments.
ReplyDeleteMore welcomed!
Great interview - this only makes me want to read the book more!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this interview! I'm glad Jamie kept the characters as they are. The innocence of their love is what made the story so compelling for me.
Diary of an Eccentric
Just about to finish "Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet" and am anxious to finish it I got an I Pad for Christmas and downloaded the book and so glad I did because it is a page turner. I hope to discuss it at a Book Club shortly and have prepared myself with the February 10. 2011 Suko interview with Mr. Ford. I may also read "Whispers of a Thunder God" something to anticipate.
ReplyDeleteThank you,
Gail, thank you for your comments! This book would be great for a book club discussion (I wonder what your book club will say?). I am also interested in reading Jamie Ford's new book.
ReplyDeleteTERRIFIC interview.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.
I wondered why I had never seen this, but I see it was BEFORE I started my blog. :)