Tuesday, December 6, 2011

First Lines 2011

Meme is meme is meme. While most memes are weekly, this special meme is done only once a year.

Can it be that 2011 is almost over? Clichéd or not--tempus fugit--and I'm grateful to have recorded at least some of my reading life in this blog. About two years ago, I discovered a fun meme, created by Melanie from The Indextrious Reader, on Kate's Book Blog. In Melanie's words, the idea is "to take the first line of each month's first post over the past year and see what it tells you about your blogging year." While I wasn't certain that I'd repeat this meme, I always keep in mind what I learned in elementary school: "begin with a bang!" I decided to do this meme, for the third year in a row, skipping over quotes from books (and other sources), to form a collage of my blog this past year. To read more of any post, click on the month of the post.

Oprah is sagacious.

P ie c e s

Please be seated because what I'm about to reveal may shock you.

Usually I am not at a loss for words, but I'm not sure what to say about this book, Dancing with Gravity by Anene Tressler, published in 2010.

Is it possible?

Having read some poetry penned by Sweta Srivastava Vikram, Because All is Not Lost and Kaleidoscope: An Asian Journey of Colors (during which I experienced a breakthrough and started to finally understand contemporary poetry better, and even attempted to write some of my own), I was excited to have the opportunity to be among the first to read Perfectly Untraditional, the debut novel by this author, published in 2011 in New Delhi, India.

Having very recently read The Wooden Tongue Speaks ~ Romanians: Contradictions & Realities by writer and publisher Bogdan Tiganov, I'm honored to have had the opportunity to interview the outspoken author of this original, often arresting work.

Should I change the name of this blog from Suko's Notebook to The Really Random Tuesday Blog?

Prehistoric fiction was new to me until fairly recently, and now it has me completely captivated.

I am such a slouch.

Lady Luck has chosen a winner!

Move over, Dr. Laura!

My blog truly is an eclectic mix! If you'd also like to create a collage that represents your blogging year, please feel free to do this meme. As always, your comments are welcomed.


  1. Love your Meme. Great idea. I'm going to use it too. Will give you a shout out and a link back. OK? Sandra

  2. That would be great, Sandra--thank you!

  3. Your August comment cracked me up :-)

  4. Oh, I forgot about this meme. I do remember doing it last year. Maybe, I should again this year. I will think about it. I enjoyed your different views each month.

  5. I like this meme Suko, I'll probably play along as well :) March is a gem....
    It's hard to believe another year is nearly done.

  6. This was fun to read. How do the months just slip by like that? year after year after year:)

  7. What an unusual idea. I'll have to try it.
    Sorry, I'd have returned your visit, for which many thanks, much sooner, but I've been ill.
    I'll be back.

  8. A great meme, I'm hoping to join in later this month.

  9. I like this - it makes for interesting reading!!

  10. Glad to see you are using this one again...I haven't done mine yet...but soon! I do enjoy the always random look back at the blogging year.

    I love the contrast between May and June for your year :)

  11. What a great meme! I never heard of this one before, but what fun to read all of this.

  12. OK … I am IN LOVE with this idea! Totally going to borrow it and do it too for a year-end wrap up. It is so interesting to see the mix of topics.

  13. Melwyk, this is a great meme, and I've added it to my Memes Page. Thanks for stopping by!

    Jenners, I look forward to reading yours! It's really fun to look back on your year in this way. It seems to capture the essence of the year.

    Thanks to everyone who left a comment!

  14. Well, I finally got around and posted my First Line Meme today. I like this meme, I only have to do it once a year. hee, hee.

  15. I love seeing this meme from you every year, and would have to agree that your blog is very eclectic. It's one of the reasons I love to visit!

  16. I posted mine this weekend -- always fun to see what appears! Glad to see so many people enjoy this one.

  17. Yay, Melwyk! I'm heading over. . . .

  18. I like eclectic mixes! You have such a broad range of topics and titles that your blog is always interesting. Not to mention wonderful give-aways! ;) Merry Christmas, Suko, and many blessings in 2012.

  19. I really like this idea. So the first line of the first post for the month?

    Great blog...super content.




  20. Thank you all for the kind comments. This is a terrifically fun meme!

  21. I really like your blog-lines! I jumped on this meme as well!



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