Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blogger Glitches

I've been having some blogging difficulties lately.  Are these glitches due to changes or "improvements" made by Blogger?  Everything was working very well until the beginning of this week.

First of all, the quick edit icons are suddenly missing from my blog, even though the quick edit boxes are checked.   I can still edit and change things on my blog,  but this now requires additional steps (and a bit of savvy).  I'd like the little icons to return, the sooner the better.  


Also missing are Labels below my posts. They are no longer visible, yet I did nothing to make them disappear. I've painstakingly typed them in over the past years, so I'm upset that they're gone!

My blog list of "Bodacious Blogs" was emptied. This may or may not be related to the fact that I changed to a custom domain a few days ago through Blogger. I had to add the blogs I formerly had listed to my list (and I found that I could not rename them). If the old list reappears, then I will need to get rid of duplicates.

I'm trying to be patient with Blogger, but it's been frustrating to me because I do not have a lot of "extra" time to spend trying to figure out what worked so well before (if it ain't broke, don't fix it!).  Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


  1. I haven't had the labels in a long time; they just stopped appearing. Sometimes I don't get the quick edit pencil, so I exit the page and log back in again and it reappears. Trial and error. Good luck.

    I don't know how to get Blogger to include a picture of the books I review on the Reader.

    1. Harvee, I hope our Labels return. They are very helpful. Good luck with the Reader issue.

  2. I feel your pain because wordpress made a change last night that's making it difficult for people to comment. Sometimes their improvements are anything but.

    1. Kathy, I am sorry to hear about that comment problem on Wordpress. Sometimes it takes forever to leave a comment on Blogger because you have to prove you're "not a robot" first.

  3. Woo hoo! The quick edit icons are back! :)

    1. Mine are still gone. ARGH. So annoying!

    2. 2014 and quick edit is still not working properly. It usually works for a few seconds after commenting on your own blog.

  4. OOh I just detest that new word verification thing. It's horrible. Blogger can be difficult at times. I found if I kept myself signed in, I couldn't comment on other blogs. How weird is that? I unchecked the box that says keep me signed in and everything is fine. Go figure!

  5. I haven't had any problems, but these sites that are always making "improvements" can be so annoying.

  6. I agree, the blogger improvements are usually a pain. I think if you wait, things will get back to normal. For weeks the little edit icons disappeared from my blog as well, then they just reappeared. Also, literally for about two years my profile was disabled. I tried contacting blogger several times for help, but got zero reply. It was annoying because every time I commented on a blog, I had to type my blog link in the comments section so bloggers could visit me.
    Then viola. One day my profile magically reappeared.
    Also, when blogger embedded comments, I could not comment from my computer without it freezing. I'd only be able to blog hop and comment thru my iTouch. Now, things are back to normal and I can comment via my computer again.
    Congrats on your domain! Do you love it? I've been toying with that idea too.

    1. Naida, thanks for your comment! We bloggers have to work around numerous obstacles at times.

      Blogger made it super easy to get a custom domain, and I'm happy with it so far, although I know there's a transitional time (right now). I am thinking it will be good in the long run.

  7. You have my sympathy, ever since changing over to Google Chrome as our server we have had various problems, the biggest being that I seemed to disappear from all of the blogs I had opted to follow so am having to re-follow just about everyone.

    Hope things get sorted and soon. x

    1. Petty, it is discouraging when blog features do not work properly, after putting in the time and effort. I hope that Blogger is able to get things running smoothly again for all of us.

  8. Ugh! How frustrating! I can't say that I've noticed anything different lately but I'm not very tech savvy anyways :) Sorry that I can't be more help!

  9. It must be catching as today my quick edit icons are missing.

  10. I noticed yesterday that the pencils were missing & have yet to return, luckily I do all my writing on the desktop using Windows Live Writer, this allows me to post simultaneously on twitter, Facebook & blogger & sort out & preview how it will look before it gets to Blogger.

  11. I can't be of any help with blogger but if it's any consolation, WordPress has been making changes that have been causing problems too. It's enough of an annoyance that I'm seriously considering self-hosting. Researching that will be one of my projects for Bloggiesta.

  12. Leslie, it's frustrating and time consuming when features stop working properly. Change is not always for the better....

  13. Alas, Suko, I cann't help you ! I hope for you and for us that everything 'll be all right quickly !

  14. Thank you all for your comments. I've decided to make this post permanent, as it addresses many of the issues we're currently having with our blogs. Perhaps someone who can fix things will listen to us. :)

  15. oh dear, now other bits of my blog are disappearing. Once upon a time there was a site dedicated to blogger problems but this too seems to have disappeared ..... they probably can't handle the number of complaints and queries.

    Anyway, blogger aside, I hope all is well with you.


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