Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Really Random Tuesday #70: Supernatural Fog, and Summer Herbs

While I don't judge books by their covers, the outside cover of a book is often what compels me to pick it up in the first place.  I love the cover of this soon-to-be-released book by Louisa Klein.  It's the kind of cover that draws my attention.  It's creepy and artistic and mysterious, all at once.  Created by Regina Wamba, who also made the cover for Supernatural Freak, the first book in this series, Supernatural Fog is an action-packed, humorous urban fantasy that features heroine Robyn Wise.  For more details about the book, please visit Lost in Fiction.


This summer, the herbs in the garden are flourishing. I have ample amounts of oregano and rosemary, and my sage and spearmint plants are starting to grow larger.  I also have a small lavender plant which I snip pieces from for that unmistakenly fresh fragrance, to have at my bedside.  I ordered the oval herb markers for my garden from Raincreek Pottery on eBay. 

"There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance..."
~William Shakespeare

A lovely book about herbs


Appearing on random Tuesdays, Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related matters you can think of.  If you have miscellaneous book news to gather up and are inspired by this idea, "grab" the button for use on your own blog, then add your link to the "master" Mister Linky on the Really Random Tuesday page

Your comments are welcomed!


  1. I love a good cover too!

    We've had so much rain here, gardeners are struggling.

    1. Kathy, we usually don't have that problem here, and welcome rain most of the time.

  2. Whoa, that cover freaks me out! I rather thought it was Stephen King at first. ;)

  3. I judge a book by its cover often as well. If I'm in a bookstore a cover is what will draw me in and I have to agree with you - this one is so cool and creepy. I love it.

    Love your herb markers and there is nothing better than lavender by the bed. I love the smell of it too.

    Hope you're having a good week!

    1. Darlene, thanks! I hope your week is going well also. :)

  4. The herbs look awesome and I so enjoy the scent of many -- especially lavender.

    BTW -- that cover freaks-me-out a bit (a bit IT-ish) LOL

  5. Wow! This is an amazing post! I love your garden! I mean, we have a lot rain here in the UK, so having a lovely garden is rather easy, but with your dry weather... Congrats! Now, as for my cover.... Thank you! I assure you all, it totally the reflects the book, which is an urban fantasy with a little bit of horror. To give you an idea, think of some of those creepy yet funny Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes! Now, I think maybe I have advertised myself far too much.... Maybe... In case I haven't, ladies bloggers, if you are interested in reviewing Supernatural Freak, the first book in the series, please gimme a shout at info(at)lostinfiction.co.uk... OK, I know, I'm shameless.. ;)

    1. Louisa, thanks very much for stopping by. As you know, I adore the cover of your new book. Best of luck with Supernatural Fog!

  6. Interesting cover reveal. I love the garden pics!

  7. That cover is definitely an attention grabber. And a bit creepy too.

    I love having fresh herbs in the garden. With all the rain we are having this year mine are growing like crazy.

    1. Isn't it wonderful to have fresh herbs from the garden?! :)

  8. That is really a great cover. It definitely alludes to dark thoughts. Yet it is bright and festive at the same time. The contrast is one of the aspects that make it appealing.

  9. Like the cover of Stephen King's book about a clown (grief, what is it called) this cover totally freaks me out.

  10. Me again. It was called IT.Phew, glad I remembered that.

  11. Beautiful cover, beautiful flowers and beautiful markers. Life is good !

  12. I sometimes buy books because I love the covers. My header on my Reading Corner is just one of those books, I just loved that cover, but have never read the book. My friend borrowed the book because she wanted to know the story behind the cover.

    I love your herb garden, and the little markers are so cute.

    Thanks for the visit today, I arrived home Monday evening from the vacation, and just got caught up enough today so I could play on the computer. We had a fun time visiting family and many many friends.

  13. I love the variety of your herbs in the garden. I am so scared of rabbits munching that I plant herbs in pots except for a bit of thyme which I have surrounded with marigolds. Do you have bunnies around and do they leave your garden alone?

  14. Hi Suko! The cover on Supernatural Fog is pretty cool. Your herb garden looks wonderful, I like the markers.

  15. Sometimes a book cover will grab or deter me. Beautiful photos of your garden. Those herb markers look great.

  16. I love your herb garden (and I also have that herb book!) I've been a bit of a slacker this year and only have basil and chives in my pots -- usually I have rosemary, oregano, and parsley as well, at the very least. Oh well. I also love this book on herbs and spices.

    1. Melwyk, thanks very much for stopping by and for the book recommendation. (I like the idea of aromatic seeds.)

  17. That is an eye-catching cover! I love your herb garden. I love my flower garden, but would love to add some herbs in next year. Great pictures!


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