Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Really Random Tuesday #77: Jane, a Book Winner, and Motion-X GPS

Isn't she pretty in pink?  This fabulous Jane Austen action figure arrived recently from GoneReading.  She's a welcome addition to my home!  


Félicitations!  The winner of  I See London I See France by Paulita Kincer is Vicki from I'd Rather Be At The Beach.  Congratulations, Vicki!  I think you'll really enjoy reading this book.  When I visited Vicki's blog, I noticed that Vicki participates in numerous reading challenges (unlike me), and that she's hosting one called Foodies Read 2014, which sounds like it would be a lot of fun.  She also talks about fitness, and has a feature called Get Fit Tuesday 2014, which led me to my next topic.


I've been using the app Motion-X GPS on my iPhone to track my walks and runs and I love it.  It helps me to stay motivated.  Does anyone know if you can print out tracks directly from the site?  I could print them from my email, but I'm hoping there's an easier way to print them out.  I would like to put them in a fitness binder for 2014.  That, too, would help me to stay motivated.


Appearing on random Tuesdays, Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related things you can think of. I often announce book winners in these posts. If you have miscellaneous book news to gather up and are inspired by this idea, "grab" the button for use on your own blog, then add your link to the "master" Mister Linky on the Really Random Tuesday page.

Your comments are welcomed. Thanks for reading!


  1. Isn't it funny how something like that can motivate us? My fitbit keeps me motivated.

    I love your new figurine!

    Congratulations to Vicki!

  2. I love the J.A. figurine. I love almost anything connected to J.A. I also loved the I See London, I See France novel as well. Read it a month or two ago. Congrats to Vicki. I sometimes join in on her fitness post, but the last two or three weeks I have been AWOL. ; )

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Jane does look "Pretty in Pink"...LOL (Not sure about that app, I do use an app to track steps as I'm in a March into May ---step competition:)

  5. Congratulations to Vicki.

    That action figure is awesome. Congratulations on your acquisition!

    I run and walk a lot and should get electronically organized as you are doing.

  6. Congratulations to Vicki! iPhones are amaizng!

  7. I love apps or programs that keep us motivated to exercise. Mine comes in the form of my best friend who is a kinesiologist. She knows how to get me to the gym!

  8. I like that app. I just started using the Basis Health Tracker and it monitors just about everything, even sleep.

    Congrats to Vicki on the win.

  9. The Jane Austen figurine is fantastic Suko! Very cute.
    Congrats to Vicki :)

    Enjoy those workouts! Great idea to keep track of them like that. I'm a so tech un-savvy so I'm not much help with that. But I'll check out the site and see.

    Happy Tuesday!


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