Saturday, May 2, 2009

365 Days

365 days. More or less. Today's my 1-year blogiversary. It's been a very interesting experience, leading me into directions I'd never have imagined. Along the way, I've read numerous books, interacted with authors, made new friends, won a few awards and prizes, learned some technical stuff, and drank more than my share of pomegranate juice. When I first started blogging, I truly did not know where I'd go with it or what would evolve--but that very uncertainty seems to be an exciting, integral part of this ever-changing experience. Suko's Notebook is definitely a work-in-progress. I know that term is quite overused but a blog is the epitome of a work-in-progress. Hopefully, I've come a long way (baby) from my enthusiastic first post, Greetings.

Thank you for being a part of my first year of blogging!


  1. Congratulations on your blogiversary! I'm glad that you're here.

  2. What a great note to get! I am too thrilled for you :) and glad it has been fun and profitable by paying out dividends in friendships. I am glad we are friends!

  3. Happy blogiversary! Blogging is an interesting journey, isn't it? :)

  4. Kate, Kim, and Mee, I appreciate your supportiveness and look forward to another great blogging year!

  5. Congrats! That is awesome. I always enjoy reading your blog and want to read everything you suggest. The list is getting so long I'm afraid I will never catch up. Can't wait to pick up one of those picture books for B.

  6. Thank you, Rebecca. It's wonderful to have so many books to look forward to reading--although it can be overwhelming as well. As B. starts to read, you may find your own enjoyment increasing along with his.

  7. yay! I didn't know it had been one year, keep up the good work.


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