Monday, May 17, 2010

Mailbox Monday: Just a Few

One of the perks of being a book blogger is being privy to a multitude of book giveaways.   Recently I won two books, South of Broad by Pat Conroy on Heather's blog, Raging Bibliomania, and A Twist of Orchids by Michelle Wan on Becky's blog, No More Grumpy Bookseller.  Heather and Becky both have terrific book blogs that I enjoy visiting.

Last week I ventured into Barnes & Noble to look for a couple of gifts, and I couldn't resist getting one book for myself, How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas C. Foster.  I didn't intend to get myself any books, but when I picked this one up and skimmed a few pages it was too interesting to leave behind. This book may nudge my reviews into some new directions, and although it may take me a while to get to it I'm certain that I will.

Hosted by Marcia from The Printed Page, Mailbox Monday is one of my favorite memes, where readers share the books they've recently acquired. What books arrived in your home recently, by mail or from elsewhere?


  1. Both look fab! Happy reading!

  2. Yay! I am glad you got your copy of South of Broad. I also think you will love How to Read Literature Like a Professor. He has another book out called How to Read Novels like a Professor as well that I am hoping to get the chance to read soon. How to Read Literature is a great book, and also very funny! Enjoy the new books!

  3. Both books sound like excellent reads, enjoy!

  4. A Twist of Orchids has a beautiful cover. Very eye catching. I will have to check the book out. Enjoy all your new reads!

  5. All three books look really good. Let us know what your think of the book you bought on impulse!

  6. Great books this week. I hope you enjoy them all.

  7. I would love to find time to read something like the one you picked up at Barnes & Noble. I know I could use some polishing for my review skills! Hope you enjoy your wins as well. Thanks for visiting my mailbox!

  8. South of Broad and Twist of Orchids look great! I hope you enjoy them!

  9. They both sound very good! Hope you enjoy them. Have a great week!
    Natalie :0)

  10. There is nothing better than having books given to you via competitions. Enjoy!

  11. Suko, i am surprised you left with only one. When i get to the bookstore i end up leaving with three or four books and then i feel guilty for These books sound great. I hope you enjoy all of them.

    Happy Reading!!

  12. A Twist of Orchids looks really good! I'll be watching for your review.

  13. How to read Literature like a Professor is on my TBR! I recently read a good review of that book, so I'm curious to know what you think!

  14. Love the cover of A Twist of Orchids. Enjoy your wonderful books!

  15. I like South of Broad a lot, and OMG that cover on Michelle Wan's book is so beautiful!

  16. Ooooh, Pat Conroy's such a good author. That one looks great!

  17. Great mailbox Suko. That How to Read Literature Like a Professor sounds very interesting. Happy reading :)

  18. I need the literature book!! LOL!! Enjoy your books Suko!


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If you're entering a giveaway, please leave your e-mail address (or a link that leads to it).

Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you in advance for any orders you may place through my book blog!


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