Thursday, January 27, 2011

Book Blogger Hop (and a Guilty Conscience)

Hosted by Jennifer from Crazy-for-Books, this Book Blogger Hop is a brilliant BOOK PARTY, and lasts from January 28 until January 31. It's a fun, friendly way for book bloggers to socialize, connect with other book lovers, and discover new book blogs. If you'd like me to visit your blog, please leave a comment and I'll be happy to hop by.

Each week, Jennifer chooses a question from those submitted by book bloggers for discussion. This week's question is from Aliyah from Des Absurdités: What book are you most looking forward to seeing published in 2011? Why are you anticipating that book?

This is another great question, although it makes me a bit nervous as well. Here's my story.

A couple of years ago, I started to read a series of books I'd heard about but had never read. I fell in love with this series, and want to read the entire series. I am looking forward to The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party: The New No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency Novel by Alexander McCall Smith, which is due out in March of this year. I adore this series, which features two clever, caring detectives in Botswana, Mma Ramotswe and Mma Makutsi. I was on a roll with these books and read each and every one of them in order. That is, until last year, when I fell behind in my reading of this series. I had read all of the books up until the one published last year, The Double Comfort Safari Club. I will read that book before I read the new one. I am feeling very guilty that I haven't read Double Comfort yet. But my guilty conscience doesn't end there. There are many other sequels and series books that I have not yet read, and I feel bad about this. Some of the books that I blogged about in earlier days now have sequels (by Michael J. Fox, Elizabeth Gilbert, and Nora Ephron, for example), and I feel bad that I haven't read them; and there are series books such as the Betsy-Tacy books by Maud Hart Lovelace, which are so beautifully written that I want to read more of them. Why haven't I finished reading the Millennium trilogy by Steig Larsson? I have all three books but have only read the first one, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I even have a "prequel", The Defector by Daniel Silva, the book that came out before The Rembrandt Affair, and provides the backstory--and I haven't read that one yet! Sometimes I feel as if I should stop getting any new books, until I read all of the books that I already have. Or maybe I should just try to spend more time reading! :)


  1. I Suko, stopping by for the hop. I agree, there are simply too many books to read and too little time to read them in. We do what we can :)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Sorry for error in previous comment. Of course I mean "Hi" Suko and not "I" Suko :)

  3. Mel, no worries! I make so many little typos--it is impossible not to. Thanks for hopping by. :)

  4. HI Suko, hopping in to say hope you have a happy weekend , I agree way too many books to choose.

    My FF and Blog hops

  5. Hi Suko, I know the feeling about all the books and not having time to read them all. I too, like the No. 1 Ladies Detective series also, I have some on audio books I plan on listening to this year. And two of the books I have read yet.

  6. Hello Suko,

    But why does having piles of books to be read not stop me from buying more?? (And a quote from Saint-Exupery too! I'm researching his life and work as part of a new book.)

    Found you on the blog hop, and now following. I didn't manage to put the link up, but do come and visit my writing-books-art blog.

  7. I read mystery series too and chose the next one on my Blog Hop!

  8. You and me both, Suko! There are a lot of series' that I have left right in the middle, though I do have the books on my shelf. The one I am most eager about getting to is the Outlander series because Gabaldon just came out with her newest this past year. We need to make a joint resolution to do better with this!

  9. I feel the same way! I have so many series, especially cozies, that I want get caught up on but I just keep getting more and more books in and they get put on the back burner! It's an endless cycle and I don't know how to fix it! If you come up with an answer that doesn't involve NOT getting new books, please let me know! ROFL!!! :) Happy Reading!!!

  10. **hangs head in shame** All this time, I thought I was following you and I wasn't!!!! I am following you now!!! I am a bad, bad blogger.. :(

  11. Hi Suko
    I blame book blogging.
    Too many books, too many hours reading blogs, too new books wanted :)

    enjoy ur weekend


  12. The latest Philippa Gregory is the book I'm longing for.

  13. I'm like you, Suko !
    I never finished reading the Millenium trilogy by Stieg Larsson. But I know why : I didn't like it !

  14. Stopping by to say hi and wish you a wonderful weekend! There are so many series that I am on behind on as well, so don't feel bad! lol

  15. Zibilee, you reminded me about Outlander--I've only read the first book, and the second is waiting for my attention on the shelf!

    Thanks for all the comments. It's nice to commiserate over this matter. :)

  16. Oh now I'm going to feel guilty for not keeping up with the many series I read and enjoy. Two of my favorites are Sue Grafton's Alphabet Murders and Lawrence Block's urban noir Matthew Scudder detective series. I'm a few years behind on both of those.

  17. That's a funny post. I think you should look at the positive- you take your time and read when you can, don't see anything wrong at all, except, yes maybe you need to start catching up soon. (just kidding). Have a good weekend.

  18. I leave series all the time. I am looking forward to four books. Come see what they are.

  19. It is tough to keep up with all the series we like to read isn't it? And I'm constantly seeing new ones I want to sample. If I could only read and not sleep - we don't need sleep do we? LOL

    Have a good weekend!

  20. It is hard keeping up with sequels and series books. Don't worry, you'll get to them one day!
    I myself need to finish the Sisterhood of the Traveling pants series as well as the Sookie Stackhouse books. The Alexander McCall Smith books sound good.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  21. I only read the first in the Alexander McCall Smith series. I should really get back to it.

  22. LOL! I feel the same way sometimes but what can you do?? There is only so much time in every day and I can only read so fast :) But I can still try to read every book that I want to :)

  23. I totally agree with you- reading all those sequels can be very time consuming! Thanks for stopping by my blog =)

    Des Absurdités

  24. Hopping by to say hello-yes too many books too little time

  25. I'm really enjoying this week's blog hop - I am finding so many series I haven't heard of yet! This one sounds like a lot of fun! Hopping by from !

  26. I have to admit I have no real love for sequels and I tend to read the first book in a series and never bother with the rest. I dont' feel bad about it at all either! :D

  27. Amanda, I actually don't read that many series books. But, I read the first book of The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency series and then wanted more. They're addictive to me. I loved the characters and wanted to read about more of their adventures. In the the early days of my blog, I blogged about each book in this series in order. I've found that when I really enjoy a book, I like anticipating the next book in a series. And I do kind of feel bad that I haven't read enough sequels to books that I blogged about in earlier days. However, at least I have many books to look forward to reading, someday! ;)

    I appreciate all the comments and input very much--thanks!

  28. Thank you for stopping by my blog! I hope you're having a good weekend. I haven't read any books in The Ladies Detective Agency Series but they interet me and I hope to one day. It's as you mentioned, there are so many books that I'd like to read but I just can't get to them all. Much better than not having enough to read, though!

  29. I'm totally there with you on the guilty conscience! I have 13 Stephanie Plum books but have only managed to read the first. And I thought it was just OK. Not sure why I started collecting them but I tend to do this with a lot of books. I'm trying to be more aware of what I buy and how badly I want to read the book!

  30. You're bang on about the guilty conscience. I have so many unread books that I can practically die of guilt. :(

    In 2011, I do hope to be a bit more organised in my reading.

    The question is interesting. I'm not really aware of book release dates and all. I choose my books mainly on the basis of the unread books on my shelf, and go by my mood. I'm looking forward to reading Nora Roberts's Bride Quartet series, the Paddington Bear series, as well as the last two of Elizabeth Noble's books this year. They're my comfort reads. :)

  31. I think we all have a lot of books on our plates, so to speak. I do wish that I could devote more time to reading.

    Thanks for all the comments, for the "conversation". Although I don't respond to each individually, I read and appreciate each one. They contribute much to this site. :)

  32. Hey Suko,

    Came here through a friend's blog. Loved the way your blog is, everything about books and life. Would definitely like to read some more posts here.


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