Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Really Random Tuesday #20: A Book Winner and a Very Cute Cat

Congratulations to Bellezza from Dolce Bellezza, the randomly selected winner of my book giveaway. She's won a paperback copy of Beatrice and Virgil by Yann Martel, compliments of Random House.

If you didn't win this time, don't despair! I have many other wonderful giveaways posted on the right side of my blog, so please feel free to enter those if you haven't already done so.


My mother has the cutest cats, four in all. This sweet creature is Cloud, I think, in both photos, although one picture might be of Cotton, his brother. It's hard to tell because the cats look a lot alike, especially when they are sitting like this, sleeping peacefully. I know that this cat, although adorable, has little to do with books and reading (I could have placed some books in the photos--this is a book blog, after all--but didn't). Still, for some reason we book bloggers seem to have an affinity for cats, and cannot resist putting their pictures in our blogs occasionally. Why? Maybe because cats are so impossibly cute. So beautiful. So seemingly wise and introspective. The sight of a sleeping cat entices me to curl up with a book nearby. Books and cats just seem to belong together. Avis from she reads and reads has included her own cat, Cairo, in some of her Really Random Tuesday posts, and I've seen many a cat on Yvonne's blog, Socrates' Book Review Blog. In fact, Socrates is a cat! Additionally, Mel's blog, The Reading Life, features a photo of his blog editors, Charles and Yoda, who happen to be fantastic felines. How would you describe the connection between books, blogs, and cats?

Can it really be the twentieth edition of this meme? It feels like I just started Really Random Tuesday, a meme of my own creation. I don't post this meme every Tuesday (in keeping with the random nature of the meme), but I post it fairly often. Special thanks to all of you who have done this meme. I truly appreciate your efforts, and hope you've enjoyed doing it. For another Really Random Tuesday post, please visit Kim's blog, Page After Page.

Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related things you can think of. If you're inspired by this idea, feel free to copy the button and use it on your own blog. Leave a link in the comments if you’re participating and I'll add it to this post.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Love the cotton ball cats! They have the cutest little faces! Congratulations to your winner as well!

  2. What a cute cat and such a great name. We had a smokey grey cat that we called Phog, the spelling amused everyone as it was of course pronounced Fog - I guess I just like to be different.

  3. I love cats ! My last one, who die two years ago, aged eight-teen, was a thick grey fured and orange eyed "Chartreux".
    The connection between books and cats ? the two of them needs solitude, silence ....and confort.
    Cats and readers look so happy when they are doing what they like !

  4. Your mom's cats are beautiful, but this book blogger is more of a dog person, since I'm allergic to cats.

  5. congrats to the winner :)

    the cats are sooo cute....luv that smooshed up face :P
    I'm actually allergic to cats, but they do tend to look so at ease.

  6. Something adorable about kitties... that must be it. I'm allergic to them too but I don't mind sneezy visits to houses with cats. And it seems the cats know I'm allergic and therefore choose my lap to sit in!

  7. Thank you so much, Suko! I'm so happy to win this novel by a much discussed and praised author.

    It's true, how kitties and readers seem to go together. I never was much of a cat person; now I'm a total convert. We happen to have two, one rescued, one a gift. I love looking at everyone's cat photographs, then holding my own on my lap as I read.

  8. I agree, very cute cats. I know our Jimmy (have posted his picture last January too!) loves to just sit quietly by the sofa as I read. Very soothing.

  9. Congrats Bellaza..Suko,For some strange reason Random org doesnt like me and my luck always runs out at giveaways:-).I am not a cat person but love the pics you've posted..btw,loved your cow blog..What made you come up with such a crazy(in a good way;-)) idea??!!

  10. Bhargavi, I've had a cow collection for many years and that was the impetus for my second, not to be taken seriously blog; the next thing I knew, Cow Parade came to La Jolla, and I photographed all the fiberglass cows (except for one).

    Thank you all for the comments!

  11. Awww those pictures make me smile! Thanks for sharing!

    XOXO~ Renee

  12. Cloud looks like an excellent pillow for napping on.

  13. I love books about cats, esp. the cozy mysteries. I have a few of them listed for my Animal Reading Challenge this year.

    The cat in your photos is a cutie or cuties. My Miss Molly is a white cat, with some calico spots here and there.

    Thanks for your visit to My Reading Corner today.


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Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
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