Monday, May 16, 2011

Mailbox Monday: Feeling Fortunate

You win some, you lose some. Lately, it's been "you win some" for me with regard to books, and it's hard to keep track of them all (this blog helps). I've been feeling very fortunate, book-wise.

I won the book The Paris Wife by Paula McClain on one of Laurel-Rain's blogs, Creations by Laurel-Rain Snow. I also found out that I won two other books, Star Gazing by Linda Gillard on Carol's blog, Dizzy C's Little Book Blog, and a "mystery" novel by Georgette Heyer on Laura's Reviews; these wins are quite recent and I haven't received the books yet.

On Natalie's blog, Pioneer Writer, I won the gorgeous turquoise tiger eye earrings more easily seen in the close-up picture above (photo from Natalie's blog) than in my first photo. Natalie made these earrings! They are quite stunning. She's very talented and has her own Etsy shop. I also "won" two books from authors, Here, Home, Hope by Kaira Rouda, and Perfectly Untraditional, the first novel by writer Sweta Srivastava Vikram. Last but certainly not least, I received A Game of Character by Craig Robinson (Michelle Obama' s older brother!) from TLC for a June book tour. I didn't win this book, although it kind of feels like I did.

Catch some of this book luck and enter my giveaway for Mom: A Celebration of Mothers from StoryCorps, edited by Dave Isay, if you haven't already done so (I will announce the winner tomorrow in a Really Random Tuesday post), or enter one of the other giveaways posted on the right side of my blog.

During the month of May, MariReads is hosting Mailbox Monday, a meme created by Marcia from The Printed Page (now called A girl and her books). What new books have you recently added to your shelves?


  1. Congrats on all those wins! I really want to read Star Gazing (I've read so many good things about it), so I hope you'll review that one when you get around to it.

    Enjoy your earrings and your new books!

  2. Well done on all your wins Suko. I hope you enjoy them. You will be pleased to know I am joining in with Really Random Tuesday tomorrow. Yay! Finally!

  3. Wow, you had a lot of fabulous wins! I hope you love all the books!

  4. Avis, I am behind in my reading, but I do want to read Star Gazing before too long. It sounds like a great novel.

    Vivienne, yay! Your Really Random Tuesday posts are always terrific. I'll try to have mine up relatively early tomorrow, and will add your link to it. :)

    Kathy, thank you! And I want to thank everyone who sent me these goodies, too.

  5. Congrats on your wins.
    I have had a couple recently too. :)


  6. ooh - you better go buy a lottery ticket! Congratulations on all your wins!

  7. Congratulations on all the wins. I love winning things, esp. books. I just got Miss Hildreth Wore Brown in the mail today. It was from a book giveaway at Cheryl's blog CMash Loves To Read. Enjoy your books and Happy Reading.

  8. Lucky you! I've been wanting to try Paris Wife...enjoy

  9. Congrats on all your wins! Those earrings are adorable!

  10. Congratulations on all those winnings. Hope you like most of the books!

  11. This has been a winning month for you. The earrings alone would have made my day!

    I have Paris Wife but I think I'm going to read A Movable Feast first. The others are new to me.

  12. Oh my! It seems like you have been on a lucky streak! I think all the stuff you won sounds fantastic, and I look forward to hearing about all the books! Way to go, Suko!

  13. Well done you, I haven't done too badly of late either but I'm rubbing the screen to see if any of your luck will rub off onto me.

  14. Books and earrings? lucky lady! happy reading ;)

  15. I think you better buy a lotto ticket now!! Enjoy all of your wins

  16. Oh my goodness, you are on a lucky streak!! Congrats on your fun winnings.
    Reminds me of the time I won books, candles and popcorn with the flavorings, all at the same time. I was so happy! LOL!!
    Natalie :0)


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If you're entering a giveaway, please leave your e-mail address (or a link that leads to it).

Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you in advance for any orders you may place through my book blog!


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