Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mailbox Sunday

  Mailbox Monday, one of my favorite memes, just happens to be hosted in September by one of my favorite bloggers, Kathy from Bermudaonion's Weblog. Created by Marcia of The Printed Page, Mailbox Monday is currently on tour. During October, Avis from She Reads and Reads will be hosting this meme. This week, I'm following Kathy's lead and posting a day early. Pictured are the books that recently graced my mailbox.

13 rue Thérèse
by Elena Mauli Shapiro arrived from Reagan Arthur books, gift wrapped and with a small tin of candy! This will be the first book I review for The Reagan Arthur Books Challenge.

Have you ever ordered used books from Amazon? I often do, and have been quite happy with my purchases. (I also sell a few used books on Amazon, as I've mentioned previously.) Three of the books in the photo are used books that I bought from Amazon. I'm planning on reading the millennium trilogy by Steig Larsson, and I've read the first book and a bit of the second, but I needed to get the third book, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, to complete the set. I'm also determined to read all of the books in The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency series by Alexander McCall Smith, so I ordered the latest book, The Double Comfort Safari Club. (I did not expect to love this series as much as I do. Take me to Botswana!) Lastly, I ordered Say You're One of Them by Uwem Akpan, a short story collection that sounds absolutely extraordinary.

What new (or used) books have you gotten recently in the mail or from elsewhere?


  1. You have some great the covers!!

    I'm always picking up gently read books from my library sale!!

  2. Oh have some fantastic reading to look forward to with your latest treasures....enjoy.

  3. I enjoyed Say You're One of Them, the stories are very well written. I still have to read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Enjoy your new books!

  4. 13 Rue Therese was in my mailbox last week. I'm really looking forward to reading it - I've read three other books for the Reagan Arthur challenge and enjoyed them all.

  5. I looked at the web page for Elena Mauli Shapiro-it sounds like it could be fascinating-almost like a work from the 1920s or early 30s-I also want to read the trilogy of Steig Larsson but just have not been up to commit to much time to a new writer-I got in the mail this week My Cousin Rachael by Daphne Du Maurier -I am about 1/3 of the way through it-the atmosphere is marvelously done-

  6. Say You're One of Them is fantastic, I generally don't like reading short stories but loved this collection. And I agree with you on the No 1. Ladies Detective Agency, now I want to go to Botswana!

  7. oh wow wow wow! You got The Girl Who Kicked Hornet's!

    And the other books look equally good!

  8. These look absolutely fabulous! 13 Rue There is one I've had my eye on, so I can't wait to read your thoughts!

  9. I'll be interested to see what you think of The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. Happy reading!

  10. I really want to read the Larson books. I've heard so many good things about them...hope you enjoy all of these!

  11. Great mailbox Suko :)
    Books and candy...sweet!
    I need to read the Steig Larsson books. I havent bought used books from Amazon, but I do get alot of my books from there.

  12. The cover of 13 rue Therese is beauuuutiful. I have no idea what it's about, but the cover alone makes me want to pick it up. Happy reading!!

  13. Wow!! All of them look lovely!! :)

    We visited a used bookstore yesterday and I got:

    1. James and the giant peach (Roald Dahl, who else? :P )
    2. Animal Farm (George Orwell)
    3. Tell me why mummy (David Thomas)

    Picked up the third one on impulse - not sure how it'll turn out. :)

  14. I hope you enjoy "The Girl" trilogy. it's a great work of murder mystery and thriller. I too love the No. 1 Lady Detective Agency and read every single new book that came out on the book stand.

    Enjoy your haul! :)

  15. I forgot to say 'thank you' for posting my giveaway on your sidebar Suko :)
    Youre the best!

  16. I just picked up 13 rue Thérèse this weekend as well. It looks wonderful! I am also in the middle of the Millennium series and though I have a little ways to go, I am excited about the book as well. Great stuff in that mailbox this week! I am looking forward to hearing all your thoughts on it!

  17. A great haul. I've been really good and have managed not to buy a single book in the last week.

  18. I really want to read the Larssen series. Hope you like it! My mailbox is at The Crowded Leaf.

  19. 13 rue Therese sounds like a book I would like. I buy use books on Amazon too. I've gotten some pretty good deals on there. I still have not read the Steigg Larrson books. I think I ma the only one!

  20. I still have some of the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency books to read. I was surprised I enjoyed them also. This past week, I ended up with 5 books from Barnes and Noble, 5 books from The Half Priced Bookstore, and I received one in the mail, I think that makes 11 in all. I read two of them, and the rest are on my TBR list.

  21. Enjoy all your books. I almost got The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest this weekend, but decided to put it off until I've actually read the second.

  22. 13 Rue Therese is on my wishlist! I hope to get around to reading Larsson's trilogy, too. Thanks for visiting my Mailbox. Happy reading!

  23. Love that photo! 13 Rue Thérèse sounds brilliant. I'm a big fan of that Alexander McCall Smith's series, although I think I've only read the first three. I need to catch up!

  24. Oh I've been wanting to read 13 Rue Therese! Enjoy!

  25. They all look good to me - I hope you enjoy them!!

  26. I'll say quick that I've been to Botswana and it is absolutely incredible! I haven't read the books though. And I hope you enjoy Akpan's book - it is quite dark.

  27. You've got some great books in there! "Say you're one of them" is one I have been hesitant on reading but I would be curious to hear your thoughts on it!

  28. You have some great reading ahead of you. Enjoy!

  29. I've had really good experiences ordering used books through Amazon. Sometimes the seller even includes something extra. In one instance, it was an author photo taken by the seller of one of my favorite SF authors.

    Just love those No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency books! Glad you enjoy them too.


Your comments make this site lively! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I value each one, and will respond to questions.

If you're entering a giveaway, please leave your e-mail address (or a link that leads to it).

Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you in advance for any orders you may place through my book blog!


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