Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Really Random Tuesday #6: BBAW and a Giveaway Winner

Welcome again to Really Random Tuesday!

Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes--any blogging and book-related things you can think of. If you're inspired by this idea, feel free to copy the button and use it on your own blog. Please leave a link in the comments if you’re participating. Last week, Naida from the bookworm made my Tuesday! And Veens from Giving Reading a Chance beat me to the punch again this week!

Often I announce the winners of my book giveaways in this meme. Today, congratulations go to Margie for winning Free to a Good Home by Eve Marie Mont. Margie, I'll send the book out to you as soon as I get your address. I haven't read it yet, but it sounds like a book we'll both enjoy. If you didn't win this time, why not enter one of the other numerous book giveaways I have posted on the right side of my blog? Some of them are international.

Last year, during Book Blogger Appreciation Week I hosted a giveaway, and interviewed a then new-to-me book blogger, Amanda from The Zen Leaf. In return, she interviewed me, and we have gotten to know each other better since then. Although our reading interests are different in many respects, Amanda's blog continues to be interesting to me because it's honest and thoughtful. During BBAW 2009, I "met" a lot of book bloggers, and for the first time felt part of a large and supportive community. Book bloggers are the nicest people!

This year, I did not register for BBAW. I started to, but as I didn't wish to nominate myself for any awards, I stopped registering mid-stream. I thought I'd return and try to register, without nominating my blog for anything, but when I did return, it was too late. Registration was closed. So officially I am not registered this year. But I think BBAW is a wonderful idea, and will participate in some of the activities. Did you register for BBAW? What does BBAW mean to you?


  1. This is my first year watching all of the activities and participants, so I've been really enjoying it. I've been a fan of The Zen Leaf for a couple of months now and have loved reading all the reviews out there -- and I'm happy I also stumbled across your blog, too!

    I love the cover to the giveaway book, love it! Congratulations to Margie!!

  2. Thanks for the book. I love the cover too!

  3. I was so sad to hear you missed the deadline. I've loved getting to know your blog over the last year.

  4. Happy Tuesday Suko :)
    I'm glad you liked my random post last week!

    Book Blogger Appreciation Week is a great idea. I've never participated in it but do visit the blog and check out other bloggers links. If I have time this time around I might play along with the activities.

    Congrats to the book winner, that does sound like a good read.


  5. I think you can still participate as much as you want, you were just too late to vote! The interviews are probably my favorite part of BBAW - getting to know new bloggers and learning more about those I already know.

  6. Happy Tuesday! I love your blog and nominate you for BBAW :0) I haven't had time to check out the BBAW or visit blogs :( I know bad bad. Oh well.
    Hope you have a wonderful week!
    Natalie :0)

  7. I love Amanda's blog too. It is so nice how we all get to know each other. I didn't register for BBAW as I find the whole thing scary. I don't feel comfortable putting myself up for awards.

  8. I didn't nominate myself for anything this time around either, but I am enjoying everyone's interview swap posts and all the other festivities!

  9. Coffee and Book Chick, thanks for your kind words! Please stop by again.

    Margie, you are quite welcome!

    Amanda, thank you so much! The best thing about BBAW last year was being paired with you for interviews.

    Naida, you made my Tuesday--again! BBAW is a great way to connect with other book bloggers.

    Bermudaonion, I enjoy the interviews, too. I read your interview and it was excellent.

    Natalie, thanks! :) Your new, autumnal blog header is gorgeous.

    Vivienne, I feel the same way about nominating myself for awards. It doesn't feel right.

    Zibilee, last year other bloggers nominated each other for awards. I liked that better.

    Freda, thanks!

    More comments welcomed of course. :)

  10. I didn't sign up with for BBAW this year either. I agree that it feels kind of strange nominating myself for awards.

  11. I write about people who had to fight to keep their home, and my pound puppy is beside me here, so I'm realizing on looking at that book cover that "free to a good home" is a very sad and poignant phrase.

  12. I did not participate this year either. Just seems too strange nominating yourself, and in many ways like a high school popularity contest. Not my thing.

  13. Yvonne, Shelley, and Diane, thanks for adding your thoughts to this post.

    Additional comments welcomed.

  14. Hello Suko, Just to let you know that today (18th September) Iwas tagged and now your 'IT. To find out more visit my blog, thanks.

  15. Hey Suko, I just came to know about your blog thru another blog where you've been tagged..and I am glad.

  16. I registered because I wanted to vote, but I didn't feel comfortable nominating myself for awards so I didn't do that part.


Your comments make this site lively! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I value each one, and will respond to questions.

If you're entering a giveaway, please leave your e-mail address (or a link that leads to it).

Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you in advance for any orders you may place through my book blog!


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