The Jodi Picoult Project

In October, I created a new reading challenge, The Jodi Picoult Project,  because I realized that a challenge would entice me to read more of her books, which focus on contemporary issues.  I read My Sister's Keeper in 2009, and recently finished reading The Pact, and I plan on reading two more books by this prolific author, maybe more.  If you'd like to join this challenge as well, commit to reading at least one novel by Jodi Picoult.

This reading challenge will run from October 2011 through October 2012.  Feel free to "grab" the button and use it on your own blog.  After you've posted a review, please enter a direct link to it into the Mister Linky.  Stay tuned for upcoming giveaways for novels by Jodi Picoult!  Comments welcomed.

Update, 12/27/2012:  I've changed the Mister Linky to a different type.  Please feel free to add any "lost" or additional links to your review posts.  Thanks!

Update, 12/24/2015:  This reading challenge is still open, so please feel free to add your review links to the Mister Linky, and any comments, below.  Thank you! 


  1. Hi Suko! Sounds like an interesting challenge. I'll try to make time for a Picoult book next year, as I have Second Glance on my shelf already.

  2. Okay...count me in!

  3. Anna, yay! I look forward to your review!

  4. Sounds interesting! :)
    I have some Jodi Picoult books lying unread on my bookshelf. I will try to read them at least in 2012! :D

  5. Thanks for sharing this challenge Suko and wish you the best this 2012! Talk to you soon.

  6. thegalnxtdoor, thanks for your interest! I hope you will read and post on a book or two in the coming year!

    sweetreads, you've read many of her books! Thanks for your post and review links.

  7. Welcome Suko, I promised to myself last year to read 10 of her books and I, better or worse, finished myself agonizing challenge. This year, I want to finish her works and I can't wait for her upcoming wolf-related book.

  8. I'm in! I have 3 books from Jodi Picoult that I haven't finished and one that I haven't started yet. So finishing all of those is my Jodi Challenge. :)

  9. Shaluna, thanks for participating! I look forward to reading your reviews.

  10. Hi, I'd love to join the challenge if its only one book. I read a lot but am usually too lazy to write a review and I've already read a number of Jodi Picoult's books including My Sister's Keeper, Nineteen Minutes and a few others.

  11. Kat, I look forward to reading your review! Please be sure to add your link here when you post a review. Thank you for joining this reading challenge!

  12. Cool challenge! Her books are usually pretty enjoyable. Happy reading.

  13. It took a while for the author to reveal what actually happened the night of the suicide, but I really enjoyed reading while the plot unfolded. The characters were strong, and the plot was frighteningly realistic.

  14. I really enjoyed her latest book Lone Wolf - try it.

  15. Diane, thanks for adding a link to your terrific review! I may read Lone Wolf, but next on my JP list is Sing You Home. After I read and review that book, I'll be offering a giveaway, so please stay tuned.

  16. Hi Suko,

    This sounds exciting coz' I haven't read JP ever and I hope 2012 will see me do that :)

    All the best to all the participants ;)

  17. I have read 2 of Jodis this year and a few more on my tbr. Here is the latest review and will get to another soon


    1. I enjoyed reading your review. Thanks for participating! :)

    2. Thanks Suko, on holiday just now but when I get back I will be picking up another of hers. Glad you liked the review x


  18. P.s if you have the code I will add your Jodi Picoult challenge pic to my site :)

    Lainy http:/

    1. Lainy, you should be able to "grab" the button right from the page (no code needed). If that doesn't work for you, let me know. :)

  19. Yay! I've completed this reading challenge! Please be sure to stop by my final post by Nov. 5 for a special giveaway:

  20. I've just read and reviewed Between the Lines, really looking forward to reading more of Jodi Picoult's work :) xxx

  21. It looks like I arrived too late for the challenge/project. Too bad -- it seems like it was a good one. I just read my first Picoult book this month (January, 2013). I read My Sister's Keeper and really enjoyed it. On the heels of that, I read The Pact. I was a bit disappointed in that one, but perhaps that is simply because I had just read My Sister's Keeper. I usually need a little bit of space between books because, if a book is good, the characters stay with me for awhile. It was probably too soon for me to move on. :) I think Picoult is a talented author with engaging stories, though, so I plan to read more.

    1. My Sister's Keeper was my first Jodi Picoult book, too. After reading it, I took a long break until I read another novel by this prolific author. My reading challenge pushed me to read other books by her.

      Tanya, thank you so much for your comment. I will accept "late" review links for this reading challenge, and I may well host a second JP challenge in the future.

  22. I recently read Plain Truth, here is my review if your interested,


  23. Finally read Handle With Care and have added it to the linky :) - I think this is the longest linky I have participated in and returned to.


  24. For some reason, I entered this challenge and then failed to read any Jodi Picoult books.I need to get back to this challenge!

  25. You must suggest Jodi Picoult books to friends all the time? Do they ask you which book they should start with? I try to answer this question on my blog and I'm wondering how my suggestions look to you. Can you see a way to improve them?

  26. Vicki, I am thrilled that you will be reading a novel by Jodi Picoult! I look forward to reading your review.

  27. Added my review of Small Great Things, we bought tickets for this too, she is coming at the end of November so will do a wee blog coverage of it too :D


    P.s I love this is still going after all this time

    1. Lainy, thank you so much for adding a link to your review! How exciting to meet the author next month! :)

    2. Suko she was fantastic, despite having Laryngitis she did really well and gave us all something to think about xxx


  28. I just read Small Great Things for my May book club group. I was torn. It was a real page turner and should provide good discussion, but I didn't think the characters were well rounded enough to make the ending believable.

  29. I'm on a roll - I just read Leaving Time and LOVED it although it left me in tears.

    1. Laura, I will head over soon to read your review! Thanks for adding your link and comment here.

  30. I just got a new Jodi Piccoult audiobook to review . . . hopefully I'll be back here soon to post my review! House Rules.


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