1. motley: having elements of great variety or incongruity; heterogeneous; a veritable smorgasbord
This post is a real motley; it includes Wondrous Words Wednesday, a weekly meme hosted by Kathy from Bermudaonion's Weblog, a new reading challenge, and some awards I'd like to give out.
Although I wasn't planning on joining any more reading challenges, I'm signing up for The Reagan Arthur Books Challenge, because it's my kind of challenge. There are no deadlines, and you don't have to read a certain number of books. This is a great challenge for slackers like me. It seems easy-going and "reader friendly". Hosted by Kathy from Bermudaonion's Weblog and Julie from Booking Mama, The Reagan Arthur Books Challenge is a perpetual challenge. Even if you don’t have a blog, you can still participate. Simply email your review to the hosts and they'll post it for you.
And here is my second word for Wondrous Words Wednesday. I needed a bit of clarification for this word which I've encountered lately in relation to the publishing industry.
2. imprint: trade name or brand name under which a work is published; a single publishing company may have multiple imprints
“Reagan Arthur Books is an imprint with a simple, single focus: great writing in the service of great stories.”
Since the imprint will be continually releasing books, there are no deadlines involved. It may take me a while to post my first review for this challenge, though, because right now there are only three books released, although at least sixteen more will be released in the near future. The books sound intriguing, and I like the fact that this brand-new imprint from Little, Brown & Company is run by women.
Current releases of this imprint are:
Upcoming titles include:
Kathy and Julie are commencing this challenge with a giveaway for a Reagan Arthur Books bundle--sign up by February 28, 2010. Here are the important links to visit: The Reagan Arthur challenge blog, The Reagan Arthur list of titles, and The Reagan Arthur sign-up page.

Lastly, I'd like to thank Renee from Black n' Gold Girl's Book Spot for the Prolific Blogger Award. I don't know what got into me this month, but I've been posting a lot more than usual. And although I'm quite sure you all know the meaning of this word, here's my third wondrous word.
3. prolific: fruitful, productive; "a prolific writer"
A prolific blogger is intellectually productive and keeps up an active blog filled with enjoyable content. I don't often post about awards, but I felt compelled to this time because I frequent so many outstanding, prolific blogs. I'd like to pass this award on to these prolific book bloggers, whose motto could be "a post a day keeps the doctor away".
Amanda from The Zen Leaf (Amanda already received this award but boy, is she prolific!)
Anna from Diary of an Eccentric
Diane from Bibliophile By the Sea
Kathy from Bermudaonion's Weblog
Kim from Writing Space
Laura from Laura's Reviews
Mark David from Absorbed in Words (Mark doesn't post as much as others, but is quite thoughtful.)
Mee from Bookie Mee
Mel from The Reading Life (Mel also deserves an award for highest participation in reading challenges!)
Michelle from su(shu) a girl finds comfort in her books
Naida from the bookworm
Veens from giving. . . reading a- chance
Vivienne from Serendipity
Zibilee from Raging Bibliomania
Here are the official award rules--do what you will with them (follow them to the letter, modify them, ignore them completely).
1. Pass this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers.
2. Link to the blog from which you received the award.
3. Link back to this Prolific Blogger post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.
4. Add your name to the Mr. Linky. (Will there ever be a "Ms. Linky"?!)
Thanks for reading! Your comments are welcomed as always.