Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wondrous Words Wednesday

Wondrous Words Wednesday, hosted by Kathy from Bermudaonion's Weblog, is a very enjoyable meme. Today's words are from England and Vietnam.

1. gobsmacked
: completely astounded, shocked (British slang)

I came across this wonderful word in a recent review on Vivienne's book blog, Serendipity. Vivienne, who lives in England, uses it in reference to the book Brooklyn by Colm Tibin: "I was utterly gobsmacked by this book." I adore the sound of this word, and Vivienne's review has piqued my interest in Brooklyn.

2. pho: Phở (fuh)- Vietnamese beef noodle soup

It takes a long time to simmer a good pot of pho--sometimes 10 or more hours! I found this word in the book I'm currently reading, an advanced copy of The Lotus Eaters by Tatjana Soli. Undoubtedly, many if not most of you already know what pho is, because pho restaurants are opening up everywhere. So while this word isn't really new to me, I've never seen it in a book before, and it is wondrous--and quite delicious. My favorite soup, Pho Rau Cai (pictured), has vegetables and tofu.

What wondrous new words have you encountered during recent reading?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Here a meme, there a meme, everywhere a meme, meme. I have become familiar with memes over the past year or so, which are quite popular with book bloggers. For those of you less familiar with memes, or who may just be interested in some clarification, here's a definition.

meme n (mëm): A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. From the Greek mimëma, something imitated, from mimeisthai, to imitate. (definition from Booking Through Thursday)

My favorite weekly memes are Mailbox Monday and Wondrous Words Wednesday, and although I don't get a chance to do them each week, I post them on a regular basis. They're a lot of fun to do, and I enjoy visiting other book blogs and connecting with other book bloggers. I find it interesting that many book bloggers, including myself, choose to do certain memes over and over again.

Here's a list of some of the weekly memes that populate the book blogosphere. For more information about any particular meme, click on the links provided below.

Mailbox Monday, hosted by Marcia from The Printed Page

Teaser Tuesday, hosted by MizB from Should Be Reading

Really Random Tuesday, a meme of my own creation!

Cover Attraction, also hosted by Marcia from The Printed Page

Library Loot, co-hosted by Eva from A Striped Armchair and Marg from The Adventures of an intrepid Reader

This is a partial list of weekly memes--there are many more, and I may add to this list occasionally. Which memes do you enjoy doing and why?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mailbox Monday

Last Monday, I didn't do this meme, although these two books actually arrived in the mail a couple of weeks ago. I received This One Is Mine by Maria Semple from Gigi, and Cardboard: A Woman Left for Dead from the author, Fiona Place, who also sent me a couple of extra copies for giveaways. Please stay tuned for reviews and giveaways.

Hosted by Marcia from The Printed Page, Mailbox Monday is one of my favorite memes, where readers share the books they've recently acquired. Please feel free to join in the fun, but be forewarned: "Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists". What books arrived in your home recently, by mail or from elsewhere?

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Having read Goodbye Tsugumi and Kitchen, two novels by Banana Yoshimoto, I was determined to read another book by this author. Lizard is a collection of short fiction by Banana Yoshimoto, translated from the Japanese by Ann Sherif. Published in 1993, Lizard took the author about two years to write. She dedicates it to the memory of the late Kurt Cobain from Nirvana. I picked up this book a few months ago but didn't read much beyond the first short story. LuAnn's Spring into Short Stories reading challenge gave me the incentive to finally sit down and finish it.

Very briefly, this is what each story is about:

  1. Newlywed is about a newly wed man who is riding on a subway train late at night after drinking a large quantity of whiskey at a bar.
  2. Lizard is about a young couple who reveal secrets from the past that influence the present.
  3. Helix is also about a young couple who go to a café after hours to talk.
  4. Dreaming of Kimchee is about marriage and connection.
  5. Blood and Water is about a young woman who leaves her home in the country to live in Tokyo.
  6. A Strange Tale from Down by the River is the story of how the past--and the river--affect the lives of a couple planning to get married.

Set in Japan, these stories embrace many themes, such as healing, religion, spirituality, love, sex, and the passage of time. In some stories, the author narrates from a male point of view, and in others from a female point of view; these first person protagonists are young and modern, introspective, and engaging. On the verge of adulthood, they leave home for the first time, and discover freedom and responsibility. They struggle to find meaning in life and are tinged by ambivalence and sadness, although relief comes through moments of connection with others, noticing a vivid blue sky, or savoring a delectable treat.

"When I looked out from that window each morning at the river, I saw the water glistening, like a million sheets of crushed gold leaf, flowing by. The light within me was something gorgeous like that. I wondered if that was what people in the old days used to call hope."
~A Strange Tale from Down by the River, Banana Yoshimoto

I still call it hope. This collection left me feeling calm and somewhat renewed. I enjoy Banana Yoshimoto's sharp, sparing prose, the offbeat events and surprises in her fiction, and her clear depiction of the joy of simple pleasures and little things--which really aren't so little.

Thank you, LuAnn, for hosting this reading challenge.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tuesday Tidings

Drum roll, please . . .

Help me to congratulate Anna from Diary of an Eccentric, the lucky winner of a two book set by Allan Richard Shickman, Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric Adventure and Zan-Gah and the Beautiful Country. These exciting books will be sent to you soon, Anna, compliments of Earthshaker Books.


In honor of Bibliomania Day, which is celebrated each March 20, Veens from Giving. . . Reading A - Chance!!! tagged me for this meme about books.

  • Are there any books you would like to beg, borrow, or steal? Ha, ha, ha, great question! No, I'm neither desperate, nor afflicted by bibliokleptomania like Stephen Blumberg. And I get so many free books as a book blogger. :)
  • Are you addicted to trips to Borders or the public library? We have a Barnes & Noble nearby that I visit often. But now that I am getting so many books in the mail I don't go as often as I used to. As for the library, I used to go every week when my kids were younger, but now I go only once in a while.
  • Do you have a way to remember what books you have read? My blog definitely helps me to keep track of the books I read, to remember themes and some details.
  • When did your love of books begin? Very early in childhood I learned to associate books and reading with warmth and security. My mother would gather her four daughters and read us stories from Winnie the Pooh and Little Bear.
  • What is your favorite book? That is an impossible question for me. I don't have a single favorite, but many favorites, and they tend to be novels.
  • Do you still have in your possession a book borrowed, but not returned to its rightful owner? True confession time. Yes, I believe never returned an older paperback novel by Ann Rice, Cry to Heaven, which a friend lent me over a decade ago. I'm not sure where it is. I may have even donated it to the library or a thrift shop by mistake.
  • What's the most in library fines you have owed? Not very much, a couple of dollars at the most is the largest fine I've paid for overdue books. Even the smallest fine makes me feel guilty. I just read in the newspaper that a book was returned to a British library after 45 years; the librarian said that the person who sent it back "need not worry about a hefty fine".
  • Do you loan books out to others? Yes, especially now that my book shelves are overflowing--one of the benefits of being a book blogger! But I never insist that someone else read a book I recommend. That would be obnoxious.
Although I'm not tagging anyone for this meme, please feel free to do it if it seems like fun.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Art of Racing in the Rain: Review and Giveaway

My daughter's friend, Niki, once described our pets, a cat, Sara, and a dog, Jenny, as "humanized". At the time of this pronouncement our animals were hanging out together in the kitchen, Sara perched up on a kitchen counter, most likely mewing (she is quite verbal), while Jenny excitedly greeted our guest on lower ground, being her usual social self.

"I've always felt almost human. I've always known that there's something about me that's different than other dogs. Sure, I'm stuffed into a dog's body, but that's just the shell. It's what's inside that's important. The soul. And my soul is very human."
~The Art of Racing in the Rain, Garth Stein

For those of you who don't know, the narrator of the New York Times bestseller The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein is a dog named Enzo. But this novel, published in 2008, set in Seattle, is neither corny nor sentimental. In fact, it's actually kind of edgy. And Enzo, a Lab mix, is no ordinary dog. Along with possessing a "human soul", Enzo is intelligent, witty, insightful, a bit conniving and vengeful, and very engaging as the canine narrator. He's also old, his hips hurt, and he's incontinent. (As the owner of elderly animals, 16-year-old Sara and 12-year-old Jenny, I now cherish our time together, and I don't like to think about the day when these lovely creatures will be gone. Over the years we've reached "pet perfection" with Sara and Jenny; they are treasured family members.) One of Enzo's favorite pastimes is watching TV (how could I not adore a dog who lists his favorite actors?), and videos of races. He calls his owner, race car driver Denny Swift, "brilliant", and is protective and loyal to those he loves. The descriptions of driving a race car, though told from a dog's point of view, are riveting and realistic, with a bit of wisdom mixed in.

"This is what Denny says. He says racing is doing. It is being part of a moment and being aware of nothing else but that moment. Reflection must come at a later time."
~The Art of Racing in the Rain, Garth Stein

Enzo entertains us with Denny's story, which includes the art of racing, love, marriage, birth, sickness and--I don't want to say much more or I'll need to add a spoiler alert. But I will say that Garth Stein's novel is compelling and humorous, a book which is both heartbreaking and uplifting. Two thumbs up (with apologies to Enzo)!

Exciting news! HarperCollins is generously offering a copy of The Art of Racing in the Rain as a giveaway (U.S./Canada only).
  • To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment.
  • For an extra chance at winning, become a follower of this blog, or let me know that you're already a follower.
  • For an additional chance, post about this contest on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter.
Enter by 5 PM PDT on Monday, April 12. The winner will be chosen randomly and announced on Tuesday, April 13. Good luck!

Special thanks to Sarah from Terra Communications for sending me this book.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring into Short Stories

"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow."

"A little Madness in the spring
Is wholesome even for the King."

~Emily Dickinson

"Spring is nature's way of saying, 'Let's party!'"

~Robin Williams

Happy spring! What will you do to celebrate? It's not too late to sign up for LuAnn's Spring into Short Stories reading challenge. Basically, you are required to read and review a short story, of fifty pages or less. Of course, you can read many more short stories if you choose to, or read and review a collection of short fiction. For this challenge I'll resume reading some anthologies I started a while back, Lizard by Banana Yoshimoto, In the Driver's Seat by Helen Simpson, and Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri. This springtime challenge runs from March 20 until June 20. Please visit the Spring into Short Stories Reading Challenge blog for more details and to sign up.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Once Upon A Time IV

Once upon a time, there was a blogger who had joined seven reading challenges. She'd joined all of these challenges because she was on a quest to expand her reading to embrace new genres and authors, to become a more well-rounded reader, and to connect with other book bloggers. But she knew that if she joined any more challenges, she might not be able to complete them all. She also had numerous upcoming book tour posts and other reviews scheduled. She was determined to resist signing up for any new reading challenges. (But why am I talking about myself in the third person? I hate that!)

When I read about the Once Upon a Time IV reading challenge on Stephanie's Written Word, I was intrigued and visited Carl V.'s blog, Stainless Steel Droppings, to find out more. This challenge has different levels of participation. To complete The Journey, for example, you only need to read one book. One book. Surely I can read and review at least one book from one of these four categories: fantasy, folklore, fairy tale, and mythology. Perhaps it's time I tried reading an urban fantasy, or read about folklore in Mozambique. This challenge runs from March 21 until June 20. Visit Stainless Steel Droppings for more details about the Once Upon a Time IV reading challenge.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wondrous Words Wednesday: St. Patrick's Day Edition

Saint Patrick was a gentleman,
Who through strategy and stealth,
Drove all the snakes from Ireland,
Here’s a toasting to his health.
But not too many toastings
Lest you lose yourself and then
Forget the good Saint Patrick
And see all those snakes again.

'Beannachtam na Feile Padraig!'
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Wondrous Words Wednesday, hosted by Kathy from Bermudaonion's Weblog, is one of my favorite memes. This week's meme has an Irish theme.

1. taoiseach: (pronounced tee-shock) Irish word for the head of government, or prime minister. The taoiseach is appointed by the president with the consent of the lower house.

"President Obama is celebrating St. Patrick's Day by welcoming the visiting taoiseach--or prime minister--of Ireland in the Oval Office."
~D.C. Now

2. colleen: an Irish girl, a young unmarried woman

I knew a lot of girls named Colleen in NY while I was growing up, but I didn't know that colleen is the Irish word for girl until I read the novel Becoming Finola by Suzanne Strempek Shea.

3. handfasting: an ancient Celtic custom, once practiced in Ireland and Scotland, where a newly wed couple would have their hands--their wrists, actually--tied together. Today's commonly used expression "tying the knot" as a description of getting married traces back to this early custom. I found this word while reading about Irish customs online.

What wondrous new words have you encountered during recent reading?

Monday, March 15, 2010

The End of Publishing

Mailbox Monday

Last week, four books arrived in the mail. On Tuesday, I received The Last Songby Nicholas Sparks, which I won on Darlene's book blog, Peeking Between the Pages. As a fan of Sparks' romances, I was very happy to win this book. On Friday, I found two books in my mailbox, The Art of Racing in the Rainby Garth Stein from Terra Communications, a book I've been interested in since reading about it on Stephanie's Written Word, and Live a Life You Love, an inspirational book by Dr. Susan Biali from Online Publicist. Last but not least, on Saturday I received The Life O'Reilly from and by Brian Cohen, which has gotten many excellent reviews on Amazon. I'm looking forward to reading all of these books.

Mailbox Monday is one of my favorite memes, where readers share the books they've recently acquired, hosted by Marcia from The Printed Page. Feel free to join in the fun, but be forewarned: "Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists". What books arrived in your home recently, by mail or from elsewhere?

Friday, March 12, 2010

I Like and I Don’t Like

Lisa from Books on the Brain, an excellent book blog I visit on a regular basis, tagged me in a recent post for a meme that requires me to list things I like and don't like. Although Lisa's post is not all about books, I wanted to relate my likes and dislikes to books, in keeping with the focus of my blog. (I did something similar to this meme in September of 2009, right before BBAW, in my post What I Love--and Hate--About Being a Book Blogger, which got many substantial comments.) I also made some minor changes to this meme from Lisa. Instead of using the word 'hate', I use the word 'dislike', because 'hate' just seems too strong of a word for this post. And I shortened my list somewhat. But I did follow the basic rules: fill in the blanks after each bold word and tag three friends. (Okay, I didn't follow the rules that closely!)

  • I like finding a package in my mailbox or at my doorstep with a book in it, and taking a moment to guess or figure out what book is inside.
  • I like finishing a book. There's a satisfaction garnered from reading until the very last page, and knowing how the story ends.
  • I like to wait a while before starting a new book. Otherwise I may feel "unfaithful" to the last book (Jessa Crispin springs to mind).
  • I like being in the middle of a book, and look forward to continued reading. It's reassuring to see that bookmark inside the book, to have pages left to be read.
  • I like getting new books.
  • I like getting used books.
  • I like the feel of a brand new book in my hands, glossy, perfect, full of potential.
  • I like the feel of a well-worn book in my hands, unfussy, broken-in, loved.
  • I like getting newly released books from publishers and authors.
  • I love when my daughter and I read in bed together. We enjoy each other's company and our books.
  • Today was an especially pleasant Friday. I had a relaxing lunch with friends, and got two new books in the mail.
  • I dislike finishing a book because I often feel a bit wistful. It's over.
  • I dislike it when my kids see a package for me and say, "another book?!".
  • I dislike getting so many books that I feel overwhelmed. How will I ever read them all?
  • I dislike not having enough time to read.
  • I dislike the notion that all readers are introverted nerds. (I may be kind of nerdy but I'm not introverted.)
  • I dislike losing my place in a book.
  • I (secretly) like to spend some time on Saturday mornings reading in bed.

I am tagging Naida from the bookworm, LuAnn from Reading Frenzy, Veens from Giving . . . Reading- A Chance, and Vivienne from Serendipity to do this meme. Remember, your lists do not need to be book related, although they could be. Of course, you're not obligated to do this meme; if you don't like it or for some other reason choose not to do it, I will understand. If you weren't tagged but want to try this meme, feel free to grab the button and play. I hope at least some of you will have fun with this meme.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Raven Stole the Moon: Review and Giveaway

Reading about odd, otter-like creatures with black eyes and crooked, brown teeth who travel between spiritual realms and change into human forms was not exactly what I had on my weekly agenda. I'd never heard of the kushtaka, nor the Tlingit Indians of Alaska, and I wasn't sure about shamans, shape-shifters, or the Land of Dead Souls.

But I did feel privileged to have been asked to review Raven Stole the Moon by Garth Stein, author of the NY Times bestseller, The Art of Racing in the Rain, so I opened my mind--and the book. Raven Stole the Moon was the author’s debut novel, published in 1998, which is now being re-released by HarperCollins.

Even the best of marriages would suffer tremendously from the death of a young child. Raven Stole the Moon is the story of a married couple, Jenna and Robert, bereaved parents who lost their young son, Bobby, in a drowning accident at Thunder Bay in Alaska.

"She had sworn never to set foot in the state of Alaska again. Two years ago, as she flew away from the place where her heart had been ripped from her body. Where her very soul had been crushed. Where her spirit had drowned with her baby. She swore she would never go again."
~Raven Stole the Moon, Garth Stein

Although Jenna had resolved to never return to Alaska, she finds herself leaving her husband and home in Seattle and boarding the ferry, which takes her from Bellingham, Washington to the town of Wrangell, Alaska, home of her long deceased grandmother. (A ferry to Alaska! I was ready to board the Columbia--what an exciting trip that would be! Everyone camps out for a few days on the ship, tries to stay warm, and attempts to sleep comfortably. It would surely be an adventure.) Still grieving and feeling unsettled about her marriage, Jenna is mysteriously drawn back to Alaska, and her trip becomes a quest for answers which surround the mystery and horror of her son's death. Jenna befriends a dog, Oscar, and rents a room from a local fisherman, Eddie, and soon enters into a world which features the supernatural, menacing shape-shifting spirits, the kushtaka, of Tlingit myth and legend.

Garth Stein's first book brought to mind the work of Stephen King, mainly because of the magical realism. Along with Jenna and other characters, I gradually suspended my disbelief and doubts, and considered the possibility that reality may be more supernatural, strange, and unknowable than previously thought. The author's great-grandmother was a full-blooded Tlingit, and he learned about the Indian legends by reading and listening to the stories his uncles and aunts told around campfires. Garth Stein adeptly weaves these magical elements into a refreshingly original, gripping, and moving story. Raven Stole the Moon is also about relationships, about the bonds between husbands and wives, mothers and sons, and grandmothers and granddaughters, which may last beyond physical death. The best stories touch me, and I wept near the end of this one.

Exciting news! The publisher is generously offering a copy of this book as a giveaway (U.S./Canada only).
  • To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment.
  • For an extra chance at winning, become a follower of this blog, or let me know that you're already a follower.
  • For an additional chance, post about this contest on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter.
Enter by 5 PM PDT on Monday, March 29. The winner will be chosen randomly and announced on Tuesday, March 30. Good luck!

Special thanks to Sarah from Terra Communications for sending me this book.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mailbox Monday and More

I really have been holding myself back. Last week, I acquired only two books, showcased here for Mailbox Monday, a fun meme where readers share the books they've recently obtained, hosted by Marcia from The Printed Page.

On Tuesday, I found The Third Angel by Alice Hoffman at a local thrift shop I visit sporadically to browse for books, for only $1.00. (I actually only had 90¢ in change, but the nice ladies there let me purchase it even though I was a little short. Although I searched, I could not find more change at the bottom of my purse, so I accepted their generosity, delivered with a wink, and left with the book, grateful and humbled.) I've been interested in getting something by this author after reading about her work on Naida's blog, the bookworm, and Vivienne's book blog, Serendipity. I am quite influenced by the book blogs of others!

On Thursday, I received The Girls from Ames by Jeffrey Zaslow from Penguin Group, a book about the role of friendship in the lives of eleven women, which I'll read and review in April for a TLC tour.

Marianna will be receiving a book in the mail soon. She's the winner of an autographed copy of Melinda and the Wild West by Linda Weaver Clarke, the first book of five in this historical fiction series. Congratulations, Marianna! If you didn't win this time, don't despair! I have other book giveaways posted on the right side of my blog, and will feature a new giveaway this week, so plan on returning soon.

What books arrived in your home recently, by mail or from elsewhere?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Zan-Gah: Review and Giveaway

The Flintstones and the Rubbles were among my favorite cartoon characters as a child. I grew up watching The Flintstones, but other than watching that lovable cartoon set in the Stone Age, my interest in prehistoric times was quite limited. I'd never read any prehistoric fiction, and truthfully, the idea of prehistoric young adult literature didn't hold any great appeal for me. Initially, I was reluctant to read the Zan-Gah books, Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric Adventure, published in 2007, and Zan-Gah and the Beautiful Country, published in 2009. I decided to give this genre and these books a chance, though, because the first book in this series won The Eric Hoffer Award, and the series won a Mom's Choice Gold Award.

"Luxury was unknown, and strangers could be envious of a scrap of fur or a bit of food. Tools and weapons, crude as they were, were valued and guarded. A stone blade, which took a week's labor to make, might induce an uncouth ruffian to take a life in order to possess it. It is hard to imagine how much simple things were prized and coveted in that frightful time. Darkness was indeed darker to them then, coldness colder, and the cruelest passions somehow crueler and more deeply passionate."
~Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric Adventure, Allan Richard Shickman

Instantly, magically, I was drawn into this darker, colder, crueler world. Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric Adventure, is the coming-of-age story of Zan, a young man who becomes a leader by using his intellect and intuition as well as his physical strength. Zan, distraught over the long absence of his twin, Dael, blames himself at least in part for his brother's disappearance, and ventures out into hostile territory to find him, risking his own life.

Author Allan Richard Shickman creates a primeval world that's savage, vivid, believable, and deeply moving. I'd never encountered prehistoric characters in fiction before, and quickly, I genuinely cared about them, especially Zan, the protagonist, as well as Dael, Lissa-Na, Pax, Rydl, Sparrow, Chul, and many others, who truly come to life. I could visualize the various clans, the Ba-Coro, the Noi, and the wasp people (who emulated the ways of this stinging insect and used poison-tipped spears). The author is a master storyteller, and the adventures are exciting and unlike any I've ever read before. Early in Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric Adventure, there's a hunt for a lion who has killed a child, and the tribesmen form a huge circle, nearly 15 miles around, in order to surround and capture their prey. Descriptions of how people would huddle together in caves for warmth during sleep (still holding their weapons), or chew animal skins in order to soften them for use, illustrate how difficult and comfortless life was back then, and how life was often a mere struggle for survival. In spite of all the hazards and hardship, though, which were a part of daily life, there's still love and friendship between people, which helps to mitigate the brutality of this world.

After I read the first book, I couldn't wait to read the sequel, Zan-Gah and the Beautiful Country (in which Zan takes a different journey), which is as gripping as the first. These books cover many topics and themes--survival, coming of age, war, violence, friendship, love, roles of men and women, the need for order, and more. Although these books are for young adults, older readers will also enjoy them. I highly recommend Zan-Gah.

Exciting news! The publisher is generously offering a set of these two books to one winner as a giveaway. This Zan-Gah giveaway is open worldwide!
  • To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment.
  • For an extra chance at winning, become a follower of this blog, or let me know that you're already a follower.
  • For an additional chance, post about this contest on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter.
Enter by 5 PM PDT on Monday, March 22. The winner will be chosen randomly and announced on Tuesday, March 23. Good luck!

Special thanks to Bonnie from Earthshaker Books for sending me these books.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Giveaway Winner

Please congratulate amanda18228! Amanda is the winner of the New York Times bestselling novel, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, by Jamie Ford, compliments of Random House.

If you didn't win this time, don't despair! I have other book giveaways posted on the right side of my blog, and I'll post about a brand new giveaway this week, so plan on stopping by again soon.

Mailbox Monday

Want to play?

Mailbox Monday is a fun, addictive meme where readers share the books they've recently acquired, hosted by Marcia from The Printed Page.  But be forewarned: "Mailbox Monday can lead to envy, toppling TBR piles and humongous wish lists".  Two books arrived in my mailbox last Monday from Earthshaker Books, Zan-Gah: A Prehistoric Adventure, and Zan-Gah and the Beautiful Countryby Allan Richard Shickman. Very soon I will post my the review of these books, which will also include a worldwide giveaway, so please stay tuned!

What books arrived in your home recently, by mail or from elsewhere?

Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you in advance for any orders you may place through my book blog!


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