Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wondrous Words Wednesday

Wondrous Words Wednesday, hosted by Kathy from Bermudaonion's Weblog, is a very enjoyable meme. Today's words are from England and Vietnam.

1. gobsmacked
: completely astounded, shocked (British slang)

I came across this wonderful word in a recent review on Vivienne's book blog, Serendipity. Vivienne, who lives in England, uses it in reference to the book Brooklyn by Colm Tibin: "I was utterly gobsmacked by this book." I adore the sound of this word, and Vivienne's review has piqued my interest in Brooklyn.

2. pho: Phở (fuh)- Vietnamese beef noodle soup

It takes a long time to simmer a good pot of pho--sometimes 10 or more hours! I found this word in the book I'm currently reading, an advanced copy of The Lotus Eaters by Tatjana Soli. Undoubtedly, many if not most of you already know what pho is, because pho restaurants are opening up everywhere. So while this word isn't really new to me, I've never seen it in a book before, and it is wondrous--and quite delicious. My favorite soup, Pho Rau Cai (pictured), has vegetables and tofu.

What wondrous new words have you encountered during recent reading?


  1. I love the sound of gobsmacked too. I'm going to try to use it today! Thanks for playing along!

  2. Both of your words are ones I have also recently learned. I have never tried pho because I don't know of any Vietnamese Restaraunts or people, but I really want to try it!

    Here are my words...

  3. The first time I heard 'gobsmacked' was when I read Brigette Jones' Diary, or perhaps Shopoholic by Sophie Kinsella. Neither of them are deep, intellectual books of literature, but they are a fun escape. I love British slang!

  4. Hahaha! Gobsmacked is such a British word and it is sooo slang! That was bad use of language on my part, but I am glad you liked it. Thanks for the mention.

  5. Oh, Pho looks wonderful and mouthwatering! I have never actually had any, but I have heard of it, and I know of a few restaurants around my area that serve it. Note to self: go get some Pho! Great post, Suko!

  6. Bermudaonion, as you already know WWW is one of my faves.

    Brook and Zibilee, I hope you do try a bowl of pho soon.

    Dolcebellezza, British slang is more sophisticated than American slang, isn't it?

    Vivienne, gobsmacked is a great word and I'd really like to learn more British terms. :)

    Thank you all for your comments.

  7. For once I knew a word! I knew Gobsmacked and that soup looks delicious. I am HUNGRY :)

  8. Looking forward to yur review of this book.

  9. Pho was new to me! I love the sound of gobsmacked, too. Have a blessed Easter.

  10. Great post Suko :) I'm officially adding the word gobsmacked to my vocab :)

  11. Veens, thank you!

    Lisa, happy Easter to you and your family.

    Naida, I wouldn't be gobsmacked if Diego was dressed-up as the Easter bunny. Hoppy Easter!

  12. OHhh I have The Lotus Eater in my TBR stack. That soup looks so yummy!! Wish I had some Pho now!

  13. I love pho'!!!!!!! Mmmmm...want some now...

  14. Thanks to this last batch of comments I am craving pho--again! Some spring rolls might be nice, too. :)


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