Monday, October 20, 2008

The Friday Night Knitting Club

"Choosing your wool is dizzying with potential: The waves of colors and textures tempt with visions of a sweater or cap (and all the accompanying compliments you hope to receive) but don't reveal the hard work required to get there."
The Friday Night Knitting Club, Kate Jacobs

After reading this brilliant book by Kate Jacobs, I'm ready to take out my crochet hook (because I don't knit) and get to work again. While I don't know of any cozy yarn shops nearby such as the one in the book, Walker and Daughter, even Michaels (a craft store for those who don't know) has a dazzling array of yarns in all colors, which inspire creativity. I'd like to find some really gorgeous cashmere yarn and get started on some Christmas gifts.

In this novel, which was published in 2007, knitting is presented as a creative, empowering, calming, and uniting pursuit, rather than an expression of the supposed domesticity of women. In The Friday Night Knitting Club, the characters are believable--not perfect--and you care about them and want them to succeed. Each one has her own story (or in a few cases, his own story), so we may understand why they are the way they are. They also change and develop throughout the story. Thank goodness a sequel to this book, Knit Two, will be out on Nov. 25, because I want to know what happens to this close-knit (couldn't resist) group of friends. I hope it doesn't sound corny, but they've become my friends, too.

Stay tuned for an exclusive interview with Kate Jacobs, author of The Friday Night Knitting Club, Comfort Food, and her new book, Knit Two!


  1. I don't knit or crochet, but my son taught himself to crochet when he was about 10. It was a boon for a me -- he's a boy who teases and pesters when he's board, so it was nice to have something that kept him busy. :) One of my all-time favorite books is "The Persian Pickle Club" about a quilting group. (I don't quilt either.) Do you think a modern prude would enjoy "The Friday Night Knitting Club?" Do tell.

  2. Christie, this book is about friendship, love, and knitting. I think it's a marvelous book--and not "too sexy".

  3. I hope you ask(ed) the author who (or what) inspired her to start writing? I'd like to read her response, thank you!

  4. That is is a good question, Rudy. Stay tuned to find out! Thanks for your comment.

  5. I just came across this very funny blog about knitters "tagging" sculptures in Stockholm.

  6. There are some gorgeous knitting blogs out there. Thanks for your comment, Eriko!


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