"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous."
~Coco Chanel

Spunk. Spirit. Courage. Energy. Pluck. Know-how. It's that je ne sais quoi that separates the good blogs from the so-so ones. It's moxie. Can you get it from a book? I'm betting on it. The IT Girl's Guide to Blogging with Moxie by bloggers Joelle Reeder and Katherine Scoleri promises to enlighten bloggers of the female persuasion and put a spring back into our steps. I've been reading Blogging with Moxie and it is a lot of fun (stay tuned for better blogging!). Written with a wonderful sense of humor, this reference book may well become the best friend of many women bloggers. It offers a great deal of inspiration, advice you'll actually want to listen to, and even some recipes to try, for refreshments such as photo-finish frappe and chocolate cream pie for the baking impaired.
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