Monday, July 12, 2010

Mailbox Monday: I'm Back!

I'm back! My family had a fabulous vacation in Ohio, Massachusetts, and New York, to see family and some friends.

While away, I read--and thoroughly enjoyed--The Lost Summer of Louisa May Alcott by Kelly O'Connor McNees, the book I won on Kristi's blog, peetswea. In Cambridge, MA, we stopped by The Coop, Harvard's bookstore. Even though I didn't buy anything, it was wonderful to visit this bookstore and browse for a few minutes.

When we returned home to California, I was excited to find three new books in the mail, a novel and two memoirs. I received Whiter Than Snowby Sandra Dallas from St. Martin's Press, Not That Kind of Girlby Carlene Bauer from Harper Perennial for a TLC book tour, and What We Have by Amy Boesky from Gotham Books, also for an upcoming TLC book tour.

Mailbox Monday, hosted by Marcia from The Printed Page, is one of my favorite memes. What new books have you gotten recently, by mail or from elsewhere?


  1. I've missed you, so I'm glad to see you're back! I've heard Whiter Than Snow is really good.

  2. Glad your back and hope you had a wonderful vacation! Enjoy your new books :)

  3. I really want to read Whiter Than Snow! I've been trying to win a copy! Thanks for stopping by today. Happy reading!

  4. Sounds like you had a nice trip! I have The Lost Summer of LMA on my shelf but haven't had time to read it yet - hopefully before Labor Day :)
    Have a good week and enjoy your new books!

  5. Wow, u look Beautiful!! COngrats on your books. Sounds like you had a gr8 time! I am aching to go on a vacation too :)

  6. Welcome back! It looks like you had a fun time!

    XOXO~ Renee

  7. Welcome home! I've missed your regular comments on my blog and wondered what you were up to!

  8. Glad you had a good trip and very glad to see you back in the book blogging world!

  9. Sounds like you got 3 great books...I hope you get some quiet time soon and enjoy reading :)

  10. Veens, you are too kind. Thank you all for the comments. More welcomed.

  11. Sounds like some good reads! Thanks for stopping by to chat earlier today! :)

    Julie @ My Own Little Corner of the World

  12. Coming home from vacation is sometimes as fun as the vacation itself. Great mailbox this week. Happy reading.

  13. I'm glad to hear you had such a great time. Happy reading!

  14. So happy you are back; you were missed! Sounds like you did a lot of traveling while you were away. Cambridge is a fun place to visit. I hope you like Whiter Than Snow, I enjoyed it.

  15. Welcome back! I missed your posts. Glad you had a great time, and I hope you enjoy your new books.

  16. Sounds like you had a wonderful time with family and friends. I love visiting book stores also. It is fun to just brows sometimes. Glad you are back.

  17. cool mailbox. Thanks for visiting my MM

  18. Hi Suko, Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation and you look well rested too in your photo. Great loot this week. I hope you enjoy all of them. Happy Reading

  19. Whiter Than Snow has been on my want list for a long time. I loved The Lost Summer too. It's one of those books that I will reread someday! Glad you had a wonderful vacation!

  20. Hey Suko! Glad to see you back! I am so glad that you had a nice time on your trip. Also, your new arrivals look wonderful as well. I have been wondering about a couple of those, so I will be eager to see your opinions on them. Welcome home!!

  21. Great photo from your vacation and such fun books you got this week!

  22. Glad your back! Your books look really good, hope you enjoy them! Congrats on winning the gift cert too :0)

  23. I'm happy that you had such a wonderful vacation, and glad that you're back. Those look like some great books.

  24. Welcome back Suko. You look fantastic in that picture! ;)

  25. Welcome back! Great picture! Enjoy your books. I've been trying to listen to the audio of Whiter than Snow but haven't gotten too far yet.

  26. Again, I thank you all for the wonderful words. Mee, you are very sweet. It was so exciting to go to Harvard's bookstore!

  27. Just returning the hop visit-always enjoy reading what ever you write on any topic

  28. Welcome!! Glad to see you back! :)
    Good that you enjoyed the trip. Hope you enjoy the new books!

  29. Hi! I found your blog through the Hop and am now a follower :).
    Have a great weekend and I'm sure I'll be back soon,
    Carly x

  30. Hi*waves* hopping over via Hop.I HEART your blog it's really cute! Sure to stop over some other time!

    Badass Bookie (Lisa)

  31. Whiter Than Snow was wonderful...enjoy your loot!!

  32. Thanks for all the supportive comments. More welcomed. :)

  33. I'm looking forward to reading your thoughts on Not That Kind of Girl, which I just reviewed for the tour.

  34. Hi Suko, you look lovely! Enjoy the new books and glad you had a nice vacation :)

  35. Avisannschild, I will read your review carefully after I post mine. Thanks for stopping by. :)

    Naida, thank you very much!

    More comments welcomed of course.


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