Monday, September 6, 2010

Mailbox Monday: Gifts

I almost feel like a child boasting about Christmas gifts! Here are the latest acquisitions to my book collection, and they are, for the most part, gifts.

From Yvonne's blog, Socrates' Book Review Blog, I won the audio book version of The Bride Collector by Ted Dekker. Many book bloggers listen to audio books on a regular basis, while I've only listened to a couple, so I'm pleased to possess a new audio book.

Deepak Chopra's new book, Muhammad: A Story of the Last Prophet, arrived for an upcoming TLC book tour. This book will be released to the public on September 21, 2010. I have several books by Deepak Chopra, including my favorite so far, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, which the author signed for me many years ago.

Goops and How to Be Them is a gift for my birthday from my mother. She read these verses to me and my sisters when we were mere goops, and it's wonderful to reacquaint myself with this very charming book.

My sister, Karen, gave me a Barnes & Noble gift card as a birthday gift. It's the perfect gift for me!

Lydia from Putnam sent The Defector by Daniel Silva to thank me for being on TLC's The Rembrandt Affair book blog tour. But it should be the other way around. I should thank Lydia, because I enjoyed reading my first Daniel Silva thriller and being on the tour, which was a very different sort of book tour.

Mailbox Monday, one of my favorite memes, is being hosted by one of my favorite bloggers, Kathy from Bermudaonion's Weblog, during the month of September. What new books have you gotten recently in the mail or from elsewhere?


  1. You got lots of great book gifts! Have a great reading week ahead!

    Here is my Mailbox post.

  2. I won two books this past month, but, they haven't arrived in my Mailbox yet.

    Enjoy reading your books. And I so love Barnes and Noble gift cards. I have a credit card from Barnes and Noble, so after so many dollars charged on it I receive a gift card. Love it when I receive the gift card in my mailbox. It is always a wonderful surprise.

  3. Happy birthday a little bit late! It sounds like your sister knows exactly how to shop for you!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday! A lot of great things there!! I hope that you enjoy all of them and look forward to hearing your thoughts!

  5. Fantastic Mailbox Suko! Enjoy :) That Deepak Chopra book sounds really good.
    Happy Birthday!!! (((hugs)))

  6. I have such a tough time listening to audio books. I suppose I should try again!

  7. I always love birthdays with BOOKS! Happy belated and enjoy the reads :)

  8. Happy belated birthday! Aren't sister's the best? Enjoy all your reads and the gift card!

  9. Happy belated birthday :) Enjoy all your gifts!

  10. Oh, Enjoy your books! Happy belated birthday!

  11. Thank you all very much for the comments and birthday wishes. I am a bit behind in my blog visits, but hope to catch up soon. :)

  12. I've been curious about The Bride Collector... I'll have to look into that one further! Enjoy your books!

  13. Happy Birthday! Lots of books and a gift card. Couldn't ask for a better mailbox! Enjoy!!

  14. Book vouchers always make a wonderful gift. Enjoy your reading.

  15. Oh Susan! I am so thrilled with the D.Silva book I won here on your blog! It is just a phenomenal work and I look forward to going through his whole book list. Thank you again!

  16. Wasn't it a wonderful serendipity to receive The Defector?! I feel like you, I should be the one thanking Putnam for the opportunity to read and review Silva's newest novel. Lydia Hirt rocks! (As the kids would say! :)

  17. happy birthday.

  18. Happy Birthday!

    Enjoy your books! I'm looking forward to hearing how you like the Ted Dekker on audio.

  19. Wow! Such a lot of lovely books! Have a great time reading!!

    Happy birthday!! :)

    What's a book tour? Pls to enlighten me!

  20. Again, many thanks for the comments. More welcomed! :)

  21. Gifts are good. I am on a buying ban (self imposes) since I just donated 80 unread books LOL

  22. Happy birthday! Hope you had the wonderful day you most certainly deserve. Enjoy your new books!

  23. A belated birthday wish from me, Suko! I am sure you had a lovely time!
    OMG! I am envious of your gifts this time :)

  24. I really want to read The Bride Collector, hope you enjoy it.

    Thanks for visiting.


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