Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Really Random Tuesday #22: Giving Thanks: The Note Project Giveaway

I haven't forgotten my promise. In appreciation of having reached my goal of 500(+!) followers, I'll be hosting an international giveaway soon, so please stay tuned. Of course, this giveaway will relate to books in some fashion. Thank you, faithful followers and steadfast readers, for showing your support, for including me in your blogrolls, and for sharing your enthusiasm for books and reading.

In the meantime, I do have a wonderful giveaway to offer, compliments of Mike O'Mary, publisher of Everything I Never Wanted to Be by Dina Kucera, a candid, powerful memoir that I read last autumn. Mike has written a book called The Note, published in 2009. In the book, Mike receives a note that touches him deeply.
"Every note you send matters more than you can imagine."
~The Note, Mike O'Mary

A simple, heartfelt note of gratitude led to Mike's book, and to the creation of the Note Project. The Note Project is about expressing appreciation, and will attempt to collect 1 million pledges for thank you notes. You can participate in the Note Project by pledging to send a sincere note of appreciation to someone who has made a difference in your life.

In the thanks department, I think I'm pretty well caught up myself (although I'm not such a goody two-shoes that I don't owe a couple of folks thank you notes). I try to remember to send out hand-written thank you cards to people when I receive gifts, and in this electronic age, I savor the art of writing them with a pen. It's become second nature to me to compose notes of appreciation, and I visited the Note Project as soon as I heard about it and pledged to write a note. I was thrilled to discover that the Note Project will donate to at least 12 literacy projects in 12 countries in 12 months, through GlobalGiving and GlobalGivingUK! Please stop by the website when you have a few moments for more details, and to make a pledge (it doesn't cost anything).

Something else to be thankful for! Kathleen and Mike O'Mary are generously donating a Note Project Starter Kit as a giveaway. The kit includes: 1) a hardback edition of The Note, 2) a DVD video based on the book, and 3) a set of three premium-quality thank you cards.

  • To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment.
  • For another chance at winning, go to the Note Project and pledge to write a note. Then return here and indicate that you've done so in your comments.
  • For another giveaway entry, become a follower of this blog, or let me know that you're already a follower, or that you subscribe in Google Reader.
  • For an additional chance, post about this contest on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter.

Enter by 5PM PDT on Monday, April 25. One winner will be chosen randomly and announced on Tuesday, April 26. This is a worldwide giveaway. Good luck!

Kind and Generous by Natalie Merchant (the "Thank You" Song)


Please congratulate Melanie L., who has won a paperback copy of The Postmistress by Sarah Blake. Thanks to everyone who took the time to participate in this giveaway. If you didn't win this time, there's an assortment of giveaways listed on the right side of this blog. If you're entering the giveaway for the Note Project Starter Kit, be sure to leave a comment at the conclusion of this post.


Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related things you can think of. If you're inspired by this idea, feel free to copy the button and use it on your own blog. Please leave a link in the comments if you’re participating and I'll add it to this post.

For other Really Random Tuesday posts, please visit Vivienne's blog, Serendipity, Kim's blog, Page after Page, and Avis' blog, she reads and reads. I appreciate that these lovely ladies do this meme at least as often as I do, and I hope that others will join in, too.

Thanks for reading!


  1. The only notes that I ever seem to write are short little ones that go out with books that I am mailing to others. I sort of prefer emails, you know? That being said, I would love the chance to be entered in your giveaway! Thanks so much for hosting it!


  2. Years ago I send out a lot more notes than today, e-mail and texting is just to easy. Enter me in the giveaway, please. Thank you.


  3. Oh and I didn't do mine today. Eek sorry Suko. Just taking tomorrow off and needed to get a review up. This book sounds brilliant. Can I enter?


  4. When my husband and I were married in 2003, we sent a note up in a balloon and asked anyone who found it to mail it back to us. So far, we haven't heard from anyone, but I still have hopes that someday it will show up!


  5. Vivienne, this is an international giveaway. Consider yourself entered. I certainly don't expect you to do RRT each week--you already do it more than me!

    Thanks for all the comments. More welcomed. :)

  6. I'm thrilled that I won The Postmistress! Thank you so much! :)

  7. Oh dear, I'm terrible about writing thank-you notes (and cards, letters, etc.), which I in turn feel terrible about. I keep meaning to do it, but never do. I'll check out the site -- it might inspire me. (No need to enter me in the giveaway.)

    Oh and I love LuAnn's idea! I hope she eventually hears back from someone!

    Congrats on reaching 500+ followers!

    Sorry I've been missing in action recently, but I'm back (at least for this week) and I just posted a RRT post!

  8. One more thing: I forgot to mention that I love Natalie Merchant, particularly the album that that song comes from. I'd never seen that video before, though, so thanks for posting it!

  9. Hi-please enter me in this great giveaway-500 followers is a great mark to break

  10. Congrats on 500 + followers,Suko! and did you say an international giveaway ?;-) ..

  11. A bit of a dying note and thought by some to be a bit old fashioned, like yourself I like to take the time to hand write a thank you note. Mind you I did now know quite what to do when a friend sent me a thank you note thanking me for the note I had sent her thanking her for the meal we had recently enjoyed at her home.

    Anyway, please include me in the giveaway - good luck all who enter.

  12. I like to receive "Thank-you note" and to say "thank-you" to others ! It's so fine when you know that somebody took a little time for you and it's a so good way to say that you have really like what have be done : a dinner, a gift, a telephon call !

  13. Congrats on reaching the 500+ followers mark. Congrats to Melanie as well for winning a copy of The Postmistress. Happy reading! :)

    I read about The Note Project on your Facebook page today morning, and I loved the concept. I have lost touch with handwritten notes and letters, and would love to start writing them again. Thanks for letting us know about this wonderful project.

    Please do enter me in the giveaway. My e-mail ID is priyaiyerr@yahoo.com.

    I'm a follower of this blog..

    I've pledged to write a note on The Note Project.

    I will be posting about this giveaway on Facebook as well. :)

    Thanks for hosting this generous giveaway!

  14. Thank you very much, Petty and Priya, for helping to publicize the Note Project, which will help many literacy projects around the world.

  15. Congratulations to Melanie.

    I used to be so good, even made my cards myself, until last year... Yeah, since I started my blog:(

    Congrats on the followers. You deserve it.

  16. I would love to enter! Sounds fabulous.
    Congrats to reaching your follower goal and congrats to Melanie!!


  17. Not enough people write notes nowadays. It is sad really but I know I can do better in this department too. Thanks for the reminder. And congrats on 500 followers! That is amazing!

  18. wow Suko! 500 followers? congrats!
    The Note as well as Note Project sound very nice.

    congrats to Melanie also.

  19. Thank you all for the comments. I am honored to have so many wonderful followers. I hope more of you will stop by the Note Project, a very worthwhile cause. More comments welcomed, of course.

  20. Congrats on reaching 500+ followers! I love writing notes to people (: It makes them happy and I believe brightens their day up.

    I pledged!

    I'm a Gfc follower (:


    ejhtan at gmail dot com


Your comments make this site lively! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I value each one, and will respond to questions.

If you're entering a giveaway, please leave your e-mail address (or a link that leads to it).

Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you in advance for any orders you may place through my book blog!


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