Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Really Random Tuesday #32: Breaktime

When I crave a break on hot days, I brew some iced coffee. Last summer I rediscovered coffee, mostly in the form of iced coffee, after a long break from it. If you like the flavor of coffee, iced coffee is a delicious summer treat. I add unsweetened soymilk or coconut milk and lots of ice to strong coffee for an energizing drink.

About a year ago, we bought a Keurig machine (which has an iced coffee setting) and I really love it (although I recently acquired a small French press which I also enjoy using). Sara from One Cup Connection contacted me recently about some great deals on K-Cups, brewers, and accessories, because she had read a past post in which I mentioned my wonderful Keurig machine. They even have a deal on my favorite K-Cups, Newman's Own Special Blend, a bold, organic coffee.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

Did you know?
  • Hawaii is the only U.S. state that grows coffee.
  • Coffee is the second most traded commodity on earth.


I won't be posting (or visiting other blogs) again until next month. I'm taking a short blogging break to spend time with family, but I'll be back to announce the winner of The Lake by Banana Yoshimoto in early August, and will post a new review and giveaway for The Gap Year by Sarah Bird, so please stay tuned.


Appearing on random Tuesdays, Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related things you can think of. If you're inspired by this idea, feel free to copy the button and use it on your own blog. Please leave a link in the comments if you’re participating and I'll add it to this post.

For another Really Random Tuesday post, please visit Veens' blog, Giving Reading a Chance, and Vivienne's blog, Serendipity Reviews. Veens is the talented designer of my new, snazzy button, which I adore.

Thanks for reading!


  1. I am not a big fan of iced coffee, but my husband and daughter seem to love it. I rather like iced tea myself.

    I hope that you have a wonderful blogging break, Suko, and that you get a lot of time to spend with family and friends. I will miss you!

  2. Enjoy your time with your family!

  3. When I was a youngster I loved ice coffee, but now that I am a bit older, I prefer Ice Tea.

    Have a wonderful time with the family and your escape from blogging. I kinda took a break from "Ann's Moody Blues" blog last week, I felt a bit guilty not responding to all the comments, but I was just in a lazy mood. (After all It is my "Moody" blog. hee, hee. However, I will try to be a good girl this week, and visit all who comment. You can find it here: http://annsmoodyblues.blogspot.com

  4. I'm not a coffee drinker, but my husband is. I keep trying to talk him into buying a Keurig machine. Enjoy your break!

  5. I love my Keurig as well. We also have one at work....a perfect cup of coffee every time.

  6. I love iced coffee, but tend to forget about it in summer for some reason.

    Have a wonderful time with your family. We'll be here when you get back.

    Lots of love,

  7. I have to start my day with coffee, but regular hot coffee regardless of how hot it is outside. LOL I always stop at Dunkin Donuts.

    Have a great time off, Suko!

  8. Have a fun break and a good time with your family, Suko. Only about 6 weeks left of the summer to enjoy!!

  9. It is good to take a break now and then. Enjoy your family time, Suko!!

  10. God! I have to try iced black coffee :)
    I hope you enjoy your break... destress and rejuvinate :)

  11. Enjoy your time off! Oh and thanks for mentioning that lookalike duo -- I posted about them today (and credited you of course)!

  12. This year, I choosed, iced-tea !
    Have a good time with your family, Suko !

  13. I love, love, love iced coffee!!! Have you ever had an iced latte from Dunkin Doughnuts? Amazing! I hope you enjoy your blog break and we'll see you soon!

  14. Enjoy your break with your family and we'll see you sometime next month.

  15. You know, I was just thinking yesterday, as I sat down, sweating and hot, with my piping mug of coffee, Why am I doing this to myself? Iced coffee would hit the spot *and* keep me cool. I really should put in the extra effort to make that happen today. Thanks for the inspiration!

  16. I like coffee too, but am still not sold on iced coffee :P We have a Keurig at work, I gravitate towards the Breakfast Blend.
    Enjoy your break Suko!

  17. I like hot coffee with milk and sugar. Haven't tried any other variations of coffee.

    Enjoy yourself! :)


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