Monday, March 12, 2012

Mailbox Monday

The best thing about this back-to day is Mailbox Monday!  During the month of March, Anna from Diary of an Eccentric is hosting this meme, which is "on tour".  Last week, I received two books in the mail.

The Song Remains the Same by Allison Winn Scotch arrived from Putnam for an upcoming TLC book tour.  I took a look inside and noticed that many of the chapters begin with short quotes from popular songs (and the title of the book is the name of a film, album, and song by Led Zeppelin).  Blue Monday, the first book in a new series by husband and wife writing team Nicci French, is a thriller that I won on Naida's blog, the bookworm.  I'm eager to read both of these books!

Thanks for stopping by for a peek into my mailbox.  What new books have you received recently?


  1. Congrats on the win and the great looking blog tour book. :-) Happy Reading!

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  2. Replies
    1. I did not know that--thanks! I need to listen to it.

    2. I never knew the name of that was Blue Monday! (How does it feel....)

  3. Happy reading Suko! The Song Remains the Same looks good and I hope you enjoy Blue Monday as well.

  4. Enjoy Blue Monday. It's a book I do want to read! The other book also looks good!

  5. Those both look good! I've heard Blue Monday is fantastic!

    1. Kathy, I received The Rebel Wife in the mail this afternoon--thank you very much!

  6. Again I'm not familiar with the books, but they do sound interesting. Enjoy your reading this week.

    Thanks for stopping by today.

  7. Blue Monday sounds really good. Enjoy your books.

  8. I plan to read The Song Remains the Same soon. Love the author's books!

  9. Great books this week. I am looking forward to Blue Monday (heard it was very good). enjoy the new books.

  10. I can't wait for your thoughts on The Song Remains the Same! Enjoy your new books!

  11. Happy reading, I look forward to reading your thoughts on these.

  12. I also got a won a copy of Blue Monday, and I am rather excited to read it. It sounds like an amazing book! Great mailbox this week, Suko!

  13. I just love the idea of a husband-wife writing team!

  14. I just read a rave review of Blue Monday, so I hope you enjoy it as much as Donna did! Happy reading!

  15. I've read good reviews of Blue Monday, that one is already on my list. The Song Remains the Same is a new title for me.

  16. I bought a lot of them and try now to read them !

  17. Hi Suko,

    Your books lovely :) and what better start to a monday !

    Will look forward to know how you liked them. I am including you on my blogroll :)

    The latest book that a colleague gifted me is "Three daughters of China" by Jung Chang.



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