Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cat Thursday: Reading Cats

Mugsy, tiny nose in a book

Mandy, reading a chapter book

Cat Thursday, hosted by Michelle from The True Book Addict, is a meme that I've had my eye on for a while, but have never before attempted.  I've often noticed the intrinsic connection between reading and cats. What a great pleasure it is to read with a cat at your side (or in your lap, if you can manage to hold your book without disturbing that purring lump), or to catch your cats in the act of reading. ;)

This post is dedicated to Sara, in loving memory
(1994 - 2012)


  1. Beautiful cats! The post made me teary.
    You can meet my girls on my blog:
    McGuffy's Reader
    I'm a new follower, & hope you will join me, too.

  2. Thanks for sharing pictures of your cats, and for your comment on my blog! Cats and reading definitely go together, that's why I reached out to my writer and artist friends to do the Pens for Paws Auction to raise money for Fat Kitty City.

    1. The Pens for Paws Auction sounds like a great and purposeful event.

  3. Mugsy seems engrossed in The Paper Garden. Seems like a good book to get into!

  4. Great pictures. I have not been the same since our cat, Mr C, aka Charlie, passed away at near twenty in February.

    1. I have a cat named Charley; he is named after John Steinbeck's dog, Charley, in Travels with Charley. My Charley will be 17 years old in September. He now has cataracts and very poor vision but is otherwise healthy. My condolences on the loss of your Charlie. It is so heartbreaking to lose a pet.

    2. Mel, I know you are a true cat person. I am sorry about Mr. C..

  5. Hahaha how cute! You have adorable kitties!

    XOXO~ Renee C.

  6. So cute! I haven't had pets other than fish in years, but I'd love to have a fat cat taking up my lap while reading. :)

  7. I'm so glad you joined us, Suko. I love those pics!

  8. The only time that Pixie loves books is when I am reading one and then she wants to sit right on top of the book and get attention; mom is paying too much attention to that book.

    1. LOL, mine also like to be on top of things, literally!

  9. Such a wonderful dedication to Sara. Sadly long gone from us, I still miss the companionship of our cats and dog.

    1. Yes, they are the best companions we could ever have.

  10. What great reading companions, and maybe they are reading too!

  11. So adorable! My cat likes to sit ON my book while I read, then start purring like nothing is wrong in the world. :D

  12. What wonderful pictures and how beautiful Sara is..inside and out and for forever...

  13. This is are awesome. I'm so sorry about Sara:( We lost our Libby (1997 - 2011) in October. Sad to see our fur family pass.

    1. It is sad, Diane. I am sorry about your loss of Libby. Our cats are so dear to us.

  14. Dogs could never do this … they would be eating all the pages!

  15. My cat Bill likes to climb into my lap and sit ON the book while I am reading, which is not very conducive to reading! ;)

  16. Welcome, Suko! So glad to have you with us for Cat Thursday. Looks like you have some beautiful kitties to share. Yes, cats and reading go hand and hand. I've always felt that way.

    May the lovely Sara rest in peace. I know you miss her.


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