Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Really Random Tuesday #76: Blog Talk, Book Winners, and Jane Austen

It's a good thing we have a sense of humor.  I think many bloggers can relate to this humorous card.  My husband gave me the card above for Valentine's Day (along with a more traditional card), in an envelope addressed to "Suko".  I do find this quite funny, and "spot on"--I've watched numerous eyes glaze over when I've talked at length about my blog.  ;)


Please help me to congratulate Laura from Library of Clean Reads and traveler.  Each has won a copy of The Pact by Mitchell S. Karnes.  Congratulations to both of you! 

Dear readers, if you didn't win this time, please scroll down and take a look at the other book giveaways listed on the right side of my blog.  I update this list frequently, so check back as often as you wish for new book giveaways. 


Isn't she lovely?  GoneReading, a glorious online gift shop for readers, now has a Jane Austen action figure available, part of an entire collection devoted to this English novelist.  Like me, you may think of Jane Austen as more cerebral than action-oriented, but imagine her lending unmistakeable poise and presence to your writing desk, home library, or reading nook, or as a special guest at your next book club meeting.  It'll be hard for Jane Austen fans to resist the wonderful stuff in this collection. Through the end of March, enter SUKOS20 at the check-out for a 20% discount on all GoneReading purchases!


Appearing on random Tuesdays, Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related things you can think of. I often announce book winners in these posts. If you have miscellaneous book news to gather up and are inspired by this idea, "grab" the button for use on your own blog, then add your link to the "master" Mister Linky on the Really Random Tuesday page.

Thanks for reading!  Your comments are welcomed.


  1. I love the Valentine! I don't talk about my blog much anymore because I can tell it bores other people to tears.

    1. Kathy, your blog is terrific and vibrant! Thanks for adding your comment.

  2. Thanks for this great book win. Love your blog and it doesn't bore me at all. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Thank you for your kind words, and congratulations again! I hope you'll enjoy reading the book. :)

  3. That card is great.

    The Jane Austen action figure is a classic.

  4. I drive my hubby crazy too! LOL
    Congrats winners!

  5. I think my husband tunes me out when I go on and on about my blog, The Girl, too! lol

    I have the JA action figure in green, but the pink is so cute!

  6. I get the same response when I talk about my blog, my husband doesn't even read it. He's not even sure how to find it! No one else wants to hear about my books either, which is why I started the blog in the first place. Except bookclub, that is. Glad to know I'm not alone.

  7. I love that Jane Austen figurine. I never saw those before but they are wonderful.

  8. That card is too precious Susan. Your husband sounds like he knows you very well. LOL

  9. I like the old style card Suko and the way man and woman are looking at each other ! Could we do the same now ?

  10. What a brilliant card - I love it!

  11. Just one simple thing: I WANT THAT JANE AUSTEN ACTION FIGURE! OR IT WILL HAUNT ME, I KNOW! No, you already have too much knick knacks, Klein, calm down, CALM DOWN! Oh Susan, why did you have to show me that? I'm desperately trying to save money!! :(

    1. Haha! Thanks for your comment, Louisa! I think I will need to purchase a Jane Austen action figure for my computer desk. She will be my muse. :)

  12. That is such a great card! Thanks for sharing it. Congrats to Laura and traveler.

  13. aw...that's sweet that your hubby gave you the card and addressed it to your blogging name :)

    I've bookmarked GoneReading since your highlighting it on your blog and I purchased a book page holder one time. *note to self, post pics of the book page holder on my blog* lol
    The JA doll is too cute!!


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If you're entering a giveaway, please leave your e-mail address (or a link that leads to it).

Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you in advance for any orders you may place through my book blog!


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