Thursday, May 3, 2018

Sass, Smarts and Stilettos

"We don't accept the ordinary. We dig in and do what we've always done. We get creative, and we transform it."
~ Sass, Smarts, and Stilettos, Gabriella Contestabile

Published in 2017, Sass, Smarts, and Stilettos: How Italian Women Make the Ordinary, Extraordinary by Gabriella Contestabile is a book that focuses on Italian women. The author was born in Italy, and raised in Ottawa and NYC. In 1953, when she was four years old, her family traveled on the Andrea Doria, "a floating museum of art, technology, and timeless Italian good taste" from the port of Genova to North America, because her father has been transferred from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome to the Italian embassy in Ottawa.  Three years later, the Andrea Doria sank after being hit by the SS Stockholm near Nantucket, and this floating museum of Italian art and history was lost forever. This loss contributed to the author's decision to live fully and to savor life's joyful but fleeting moments. In 1959, she emigrated with her family to New York, when her father was transferred from the Italian Embassy in Ottawa to the Italian Consulate in New York City, and begin a new life in Astoria, Queens.

Written in a warm and friendly manner, this book is a personal story that's quite entertaining and informative. Sass, Smarts, and Stilettos is filled with practical tips and wisdom. As the title promises, it discusses what makes Italians, and especially Italian women, extraordinary. There are many anecdotes and glorious details in this inspiring book that reveal the secrets of Italian women. The basic idea is that Italian women make the ordinary extraordinary due to their innate appreciation for beauty and their deep connection with art.  They use the passion, focus, and purpose that are part of their cultural identity.

Sass, Smarts, and Stilettos is a short, charming book that may well entice you to visit Italy.  (I haven't been to Italy yet, but coincidentally, one of my sister-in-laws traveled to Italy last month, and my son is going next month.) The cover by Katerina Miras is lovely.  There are thirty-two chapters in this book, plus a helpful Italian Glossary in the back.  Each chapter is titled and begins with a quotation (or two) that relates to the subject matter. Chapter titles describe the contents in a tempting and down-to-earth manner, and reveal the author's ideas and philosophy. These titles say a lot.  Here are some examples: Chapter Two - The Extraordinary in the Ordinary, Chapter Nine - Food, the Talisman of Happiness, Chapter Eleven - Joy in Simple Things,  Chapter Eighteen - Style is Ageless,  Chapter Twenty-Four - Your Life is Your Biggest Work of Art, Chapter Twenty-Nine - Secrets of an Italian Woman's Skin. They're fun to read (and may be read out of order, I think, especially during a second reading).  I should also mention a chapter that features numerous fashion, style tips, and some guide books, Chapter Twenty-Seven - She Who Spends More, Spends Less. The important idea of this chapter is to choose wisely. Choose homemade, healthy food, and well-made clothing and furnishings.  Compre meno, compra meglio--buy less, buy better.  This means buying less things, but buying the best things, and appreciating and taking care of them.  This is something that Italians are good at. Quality is of the utmost importance.

Mamma mia, did this book resonate with me!  This is how I was brought up, too, to appreciate quality, rather than quantity.  I'm part Italian so this makes sense. This book talks a lot about clothing.  My mother, who was half Italian, had a wonderful fashion sense. She was a sharp dresser, and her clothing was gorgeous.  When I was in high school, I used to borrow her beautiful work blouses and wear them with jeans (I wanted to look elegant but cool). Today, my work wardrobe is simple and (hopefully) classic. I bring various tailoring projects to the dry cleaning shop nearby, and have been pleased with the results. The food in this book will make you crave savory (or sweet) Italian food.  My Italian grandfather appreciated fine food and drink, and during my childhood he would bring my family freshly-baked, crusty bread, and special cheese from Italian markets in NYC (I've mentioned this before in a previous post). I still think about how delicious these treats were. This book brought back delightful memories, and I learned many things about Italy.

Sass, Smarts, and Stilettos is a beautiful memoir, a travel guide with style and substance, and a wonderful reference book, for all things Italiano, or perhaps Italiana, given the focus of this book. I enjoyed reading it very much.

Gabriella Contestabile

Connect with the Author: Website ~ Twitter ~ Facebook ~ Instagram ~ LinkedIn


Many thanks to Laura from Italy Book Tours for inviting me to be a part of this tour and for sending me a copy of this book free of charge.  For more reviews of this book, giveaways, and other features, please visit Italy Book Tours' other stops for Sass, Smarts, and Stilettos.

Thanks for reading! Your comments are appreciated.


  1. Thanks for this very elegant post. I like to read of appreciations of all sorts of different heritages

  2. It is sad, Vicki! Thank you for stopping by.

  3. Great commentary on this book. It is so interesting that the Andrea Doria sinking helped drive the author’s outlook on life.

    I am also of Italian descent and I also very much believe in the quality over quantity life style.

    Italian food does indeed rock!

  4. This sounds like a wonderful book - full of charm! I've always wanted to visit Italy myself. The lost art and history on the boat are heartbreaking to hear about!

    1. It is full of charm, Laura. Thank you so much for your comment. :)

  5. Sounds like a fun book and I love the cover.

  6. Sounds like a lovely read even if the cover doesn't speak to me.

  7. Sounds like it would be a good read and certainly a candidate for Trip Fiction xxx


  8. Hi Suko, Stopping by as I think you might be interested in my WWW post today.

  9. Dear Suko,
    Thank you for your thoughtful and detailed review of 'Sass, Smarts, and Stilettos'. You captured so much of what I was hoping to convey and I hope you do make the trip to Italy some time soon. I love your stories above, especially the one about borrowing your mom's exquisite work blouses to look elegant but cool. Such special memories. I look forward to reading other reviews on your blog going forward.

    1. Gabriella,
      Thank you very much for stopping by, and for leaving such a wonderful comment. Your beautiful book brought back lovely memories of my mother. She was proud of her Italian heritage. I'd love to visit Italy!

  10. What a great review! Sounds like a wonderful book.

  11. This sounds informative and very entertaining. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Thank you for this enticing review! I agree that Italy sounds like a wonderful travel destination :)

  13. Oh, this book sounds like a must read for me! How I love all things Italian. Thank you, Suko, for bringing it to my attention with such a good review.

  14. How wonderful to have an Italian heritage. I would love to visit parts of Italy I missed on my first visit!

  15. Hi Susan, how did I miss this post? Sass, Smarts, and Stilettos does sound charming and like it brought back nice memories for you. Glad you enjoyed it!

  16. This sounds good. I hope you are having a great weekend!


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