Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Really Random Tuesday #11: Bookmarks, A Giveaway, ADHD and OCB

Welcome to another edition of Really Random Tuesday! This is a special Tuesday because it is an election day. If you live in the United States, please vote if you haven't already done so. Ninety years ago women acquired the right to vote, and it is still important to make our voices heard!

Shortly before the fires ravaged Southern California in October of 2007, I became a used book seller on Amazon. Very quickly, to my surprise, I made a few sales, and was ecstatic (the little things in life bring me such happiness at times!). I am very conscientious about mailing books out promptly, and when we evacuated our home due to the approaching fires, I brought some books to mail as I did not want the orders delayed. Luckily, we did not lose our home in the fires, which destroyed at least 1500 homes, and tragically took some lives. About a month after I mailed out my first book, one of my earliest customers, a student living abroad in Japan, sent me a real gold filigree bookmark. I enjoyed using it, and treasured this lovely trinket. Unfortunately, though, I left the delicate bookmark in a book, and I haven't been able to locate it. Although it wasn't a large or expensive gift, I was touched by the kindness of this gesture, and I'd really like to find this missing bookmark. I'm sure it is hidden in one of my books, between the pages, somewhere.

In the meantime, I've been using other bookmarks. Among those I'm currently using are a gold angel bookmark (peering out of Richard Lederer's Literary Trivia book), a gift from a friend, and a rug bookmark that I purchased from Barnes & Noble.

Do you also use bookmarks? I am having a mini giveaway for magnetic bookmarks from Barnes & Noble, called Letters From Paris and Classic Café, pictured below. This giveaway is open worldwide.

  • To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment.
  • For an extra chance at winning, become a follower of this blog, or let me know that you're already a follower, or that you subscribe in Google Reader.
  • For an additional chance, post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter.

Enter by 5PM PST on Monday, November 15. One winner will be chosen randomly and announced on Tuesday, November 16. Good luck!


This type of Google ad keeps popping up on my blog:

ADHD Treatment for Adults - Get information about a treatment
option for adults with ADHD. ADHDTreatmentforAdults.com

I don't dare click on it, and I de-activated the links here (lest I get in trouble from Adsense), but it seems to be trying to tell me something. Apparently I have a short attention span, because I click around a lot (Google ads are related to content but now they seem to be related to behavior as well). But clicking is part of blogging. You may visit other blogs, look things up, check this or that, do some investigating; in short, you have to click away from your site (and hopefully not mistakenly click on your ads, if you have any!). If you're a blogger I think you know what I mean. Blogging involves much more than simply writing posts. You can spend a great deal of time on your blog, so much so that it seems like you have another affliction, OCB (Obsessive Compulsive Blogging). Truth be told, publishing a blog requires a great deal of work, maintenance, and commitment. It looks a lot easier than it is, but it's also a joy. As the saying goes, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it, and when you have a work in progress such as a blog, which is a dynamic entity, forever changing, growing, and evolving, this is certainly the case. Sometimes, I just want to be able to give my OCB free rein and spend the whole day blogging, in spite of all the other stuff I need to do. :)


Really Random Tuesday is a way to post odds and ends--announcements, musings, quotes, photos--any blogging and book-related things you can think of. If you're inspired by this idea, feel free to copy the button and use it on your own blog. Leave a link in the comments if you’re participating and I'll add it to this post. Please be sure to visit the fun RRT post on Naida's blog, the bookworm.


  1. Collecting, or using, bookmarks is such a great topic! I've loved making origami bookmarks which fit over the corner of a book; the only problem is it's easy for them to slip out. I like the magnetic idea a lot! I also like your little rug...so cozy with a book!

  2. Thank you, Bellezza. I have seen some of your origami work and it is beautiful.

  3. I love bookmarks, I was just in Barnes and Noble yesterday and bought two books and yes, a bookmark. I put bookmarks in all my books, that way if someone borrows a book, they won't bend the corners, they always have a bookmark. I love the magnetic bookmarks, I buy them for my Granddaughter and put them in the books I mail to her. She is 8 years old and loves to read, so I am kind of her book club of the month. Her mother says, her daughter loves the magnetic bookmarks.

  4. I am assembling a small collection of bookmarks; love the idea of the magnetic kind, enhancing the function while keeping the beauty. Your little rug is gorgeous!

  5. I would love a beautiful bookmark, thanks for the chance.


    +1 I am a GFC follower
    +1 tweet; http://twitter.com/#!/fredalicious/status/29479807573

  6. I know what you mean about compulsive blogging! It does take up a lot of time, and for it to really work, you have to be committed to it. It's a passion for me, but sometimes I feel like I am going to burn out!!

    Also, I would love the chance to win the bookmarks! I collect them, and although I lose quite a few as well, I still have some pretty nice ones!!


    I also follow your blog via google reader

  7. A pet hate of mine is books with folded down corners so a bookmark is essential just like books are.

    Thanks for this giveaway, I'll be sure to add it to the comp/giveaway page on my blog even if it does mean I have less of a chance of receiving one of your bookmarks (laughs).


  8. I love using bookmarks as I hate dog eared books, although for the life of me I cannot imagine why someone stopped reading at that moment. I also follow your blog via Google Reader.
    Love & Hugs,

  9. Sadly I realized I didn't have anything to write about for RRT today since I already wrote about my neighbors in my Halloween post, and I"ve been doing nothing but NaNo since then...

  10. Gramma Ann, there are some lovely bookmarks out there. I may add a couple more (non-magnetic) bookmarks to this giveaway as well. :)

    ds, thank you. Sometimes the art of reading is indeed art.

    Freda, many thanks for the tweet! :)

    Zibilee, blogging must be a labor of love for us! Thanks for your comments.

    Petty, thanks for adding this to your giveaway page. You will get an extra chance for doing so.:)

    Pamela, I can't stand dog-eared or otherwise mutilated books either.

    Amanda, no worries. Thanks for stopping by, and good luck with your NaNo writing! :)

  11. I'd love to win a bookmark! I obsessively collect them, use them all the time, and have them stashed in various places all over the house. (I'm a follower too.)

  12. I know what you mean about lost bookmarks. I've misplaced a few favorites and hopefully I'll find them in a book or a drawer someday. I now have a little box on my bookshelf for them so they don't get lost.

    I'd love to enter the contest.
    I'm already a follower with GFC

    undermyappletree at gmail dot com

  13. Hi Suko!!
    I would love to enter! Right now, I'm using a bookmark an author, Holly Weiss sent me with her book.
    You also had a question about the First Wild Card tour and its a Christian Lit. book blogger group that you join and request books to review. If you click on the card it takes you to their website.
    Hope you have a wonderful week!
    Natalie :0)

  14. I do love bookmarks and would love to be entered in your giveaway!
    I subscribe in Google Reader.

  15. Hi! I love bookmarks and have a small collection of them. Sorry you lost one you really liked. Thank you for a neat giveaway! :)
    I appreciate it.


  16. Lori, that's a very nice collection!

    Leslie, a box of bookmarks is a wonderful idea. My bookmarks need a gathering place.

    Natalie, isn't it nice to get bookmarks from authors (that even match the books)?!

    Kathy--consider yourself entered in this giveaway, and thanks for subscribing in Google Reader.

    Connie, thanks! :)

  17. Ha! I love "OCB!" It's so easy to get all wrapped up in the blogging and not make time for the books that started it all.

  18. I love bookmarks. I used to collect them before I got my ereader. Naturally most of mine are of cats. LOL

  19. Lovely post! :)
    I don't use 'bookmarks' in the proper sense of the word. I use anything that I can lay my hands on to mark the page I've finished reading - a waste scrap of paper, an air or train ticket, a shopping list, a bill from a store and so on.

    If you have OCB, so do I :)

    If you don't mind, would like to know more about the fires. What exactly is it? Hadn't heard of it before and would love to understand it better. Am very very curious about the cultures in different countries, and hope you don't mind.

    Was also thinking of asking you to put up more pics of your country. I, for one, would love to see them and understand the US better. What say?

  20. I would love to enter this giveaway! :)

  21. I am a follower of your blog! :)

  22. I'll post about this giveaway on my blog! :)

  23. Well I am sure I have ADHD, if that's what it means LOL!
    Lovely Bookmarks and I am so glad you voted, it is a very important right :)

    I love the book you have posted here and I would LOVE to have a chance of winning these bookmarks!

    givingreadingachance AT gmail.com
    I am a follower :)

  24. No need to enter me, my friend. I use bookmarks from authors, almost exclusively. (Send them out when I trade online, too!)

    Anyway, I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted about at Win a Book for you.

  25. Lisa, sometimes all I read are blogs! I need to get back to my books. :)

    Yvonne, I have a lovely bookmark with a Persian cat on it, somewhere. . . .

    Priya, Southern California has terrible wildfires sometimes which spread rapidly due to the dryness here.
    Thanks for posting the giveaway on your own blog, and for being a follower. :)

    Veens, thanks! How is your beautiful baby doing? :)

    Susan, thanks (again!) for posting my contest, and good luck with your book!

  26. Lovely bookmarks.. i used to collect bookmarks once ,but these days i use anything i can lay my hands on..Hope you find the filigree bookmark soon..

  27. Interesting post!! I love bookmarks as well and love to think about where I got them or who gave them to me. I actually gave out bookmarks as the "gift" at our wedding at the reception. I still use our wedding bookmark a lot:-)

  28. I love bookmarks and the ones in the pictures look lovely. I will be entering this event! :)

  29. Throwing my name in the hat . . .


    jhsmail at comcast dot net

  30. Bedazzled, thank you!

    Laura, that is extra nice that you have and use a bookmark from your wedding. :)

    Vaishnavi, thanks and good luck! As I mentioned previously, I may add a few more bookmarks as prizes.

    JHS, wonderful! I will add you.

    Thanks for all the comments.

  31. I do like bookmarks and I love personlizing mine. I usually make bookmarkes using gift papers and small embellishments, like little shells, colored tape, tiny stones...

    Please count me in. Thanks.

    avalonne83 [at] yahoo [dot] it

  32. Avalonne83, I've made bookmarks, but your handmade creations sound very lovely--I'd enjoy seeing them. Thank you for stopping by.

  33. Enter me !
    I like those bookmarks :)

    raluk.93 at gmail (dot) com

  34. I like bookmarks too, and do have a collection of them :O) I'll post about your giveaway this week.

  35. I love bookmarks as much as I love books. I think of them as a complete package, the reading experience is incomplete without the bookmark peeking out from one of the pages. I try to collect bookmarks but unfortunately keep losing them when I lend my books to friends :( The bookmarks look lovely and I will be blogging about this event on my blog. I am a follower :) Please do read my blog at

  36. I love bookmarks! These are great!


  37. I love bookmarks and am always looking for new ones! I try to stay away from ones that have strings and trinkets dangling because my kitten loves to attack them!

    The bookmarks in this giveaway look wonderful! Thank you for giving them away!

    Aimala127 (at) gmail (dot) com

  38. I'm a follower of your blog on GFC. I apologize for not commenting more often. I'm terrible at that but trying to get better!

    Thank you for your great giveaway!

    Aimala127 (at) gmail (dot) com


Your comments make this site lively! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I value each one, and will respond to questions.

If you're entering a giveaway, please leave your e-mail address (or a link that leads to it).

Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you in advance for any orders you may place through my book blog!


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