Thursday, December 2, 2010

Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop, Regular Hop, and a Winner

'Tis the season. . .already? I really can't believe it's December, time for the holidays. It's also time for a lovely surprise, the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop, December 1 - December 5, hosted by the brilliant Jennifer from Crazy-for-Books (did you notice her adorable holiday blog header?). Kudos to Simply Stacie, Little Yayas, My Wee View, Review Retreat, and Stockpiling Moms for organizing this fabulous event. There are nearly 250 blogs hosting giveaways, many of which are international!

Speaking of giveaways, I've just chosen my book giveaway winner (drum roll, please). Lori L. from She Treads Softly is the winner of Anasazi Intrigue, the first book in a new, mystery series by Linda Weaver Clarke. Congratulations, Lori! If you you didn't win this time, I have other book giveaways posted on the right side of my blog, so you might just try your luck again. Please stay tuned for new giveaways, including one from CSN And don't forget to visit the Holiday Gift Giveaway Hop for giveaways galore!

This week's regular Book Blogger Hop, hosted by Jennifer from Crazy-for-Books, lasts from December 3 - December 6. This weekly BOOK PARTY is an opportunity for book bloggers to socialize, connect with other book lovers, discover new book blogs, and just have some fun! Sometimes we need a break from all of our reading and writing. :)

Each week, Jennifer presents a question for participating book bloggers to answer. This week's question was posed by Marce from Tea Time With Marce: What very popular and hyped book in the blogosphere did you NOT enjoy and how did you feel about posting your review?

Good question, which brings up all kinds of issues. After thinking about this question, I realized that I don't read many books that are wildly popular in the blogosphere. A lot of the books I read and review are newer books, and some have not yet been released to the public, so they haven't been "hyped" yet. Others are older books, which may not be read as widely today. Sometimes, I'll post a review and others will comment to say that they're not interested in reading the book I presented; although I'm not trying to "sell" the book to anyone, I may wonder why, but respect the fact that we all have individual reading preferences (and quirks). In my reviews, I try to be honest but also fair; I don't bash books, but try, with some degree of tact and hopefully skill, to write something worth reading about any particular book.

Thanks for reading! If you'd like me to visit your blog, please leave a comment.


  1. Oooo giveaways! Sounds fun!

    Congrats Lori on winning the book, I'll bet it will be terrific. :-)

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Congratulations Lori! I hope you enjoy the book!

  3. Congratulations, Lori! Suko, I think when people say they might not be interested in a particular book, they may simply be letting you know that they read your review and appreciated your insight, as well have people visiting, reading, and hopping away without leaving a comment (which is like life's blood to us bloggers!) I definitely don't think that they mean to disparage your reading choices, though! :)

  4. Julie, I know you're right, but sometimes I wonder what I said "wrong". Anyway, I certainly do appreciate getting comments, including all of them here. Hop on! :)

  5. Congrats to Lori!

    I don't mind negative reviews, but like you, I don't bash books. I don't think that's right. Reviews are opinions, not facts.

  6. Good for you for reading what you want and when you want to!!
    Congratulations to the winner.

  7. Like you, I try to be honest and fair. It's really hard for me to say I dislike a book that an author, or publisher, has sent me. You should have seen how I agonized over my review for Promise Me because truthfully? Loathed that book! Said here, not Chez Bellezza. ;)

  8. Interesting question. I always try to just present my honest opinions ... but when it differs from most of what is out there, it does make me question myself. But, everyone has their own tastes and you like what you like. However, I do feel guilty when I go nuts over a book, someone reads it, and then feels so-so about it.

  9. December arrived too soon!
    Congrats to Lori.

    I dont bash books either, I try to give my honest opinion in my reviews. If I read a negative review, but had my heart set on reading the book in question, I'll still read it and make up my own mind on it.


Your comments make this site lively! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I value each one, and will respond to questions.

If you're entering a giveaway, please leave your e-mail address (or a link that leads to it).

Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you in advance for any orders you may place through my book blog!


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