Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday Snapshot: Patricia and Meryl Streep

I would be remiss if I didn't follow up my previous post about the book Creating an Orange Utopia: Eliza Lovell Tibbets and the Birth of California's Citrus Industry by Patricia Ortlieb and Peter Economy, published in September 2011.  Patricia, my step mother-in-law, went to Washington, D.C. late last year for the de Pizan Honors event at the National Women's History Museum, and met actress Meryl Streep.  After talking to her, Patricia (resplendent in her orange-colored scarf), presented the actress with a copy of her book.  My imagination went into overdrive as soon as I saw this photo.  I could easily imagine Creating an Orange Utopia as a movie,  in which Meryl Streep would play the woman who first introduced the navel orange tree to Riverside,  spawning Southern California's lucrative citrus industry, Eliza Lovell Tibbets.  Perhaps Meryl Streep--or some other gutsy woman--could also help direct the film.  Eliza Tibbets was also an active abolitionist, spiritualist, and suffragist. We need to hear more stories about women pioneers who made important contributions!  This would be an opportunity for film makers to depict the story of a daring visionary who changed the course of Southern California's history, transforming it into a very wealthy place.  It seems ripe with possibilities to me.

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce from  At Home With Books. This is the first time I'm posting a photo for this meme.


  1. Oh! I wish I'd been there to meet Meryl Streep and your MIL! What a cool snap! A little bit of history!

  2. That is such a neat photo! How cool that your MIL got to meet her!

  3. It does seem ripe with possibilities! I love that photo! I don't think I'd be able to speak if I was in the presence of Meryl Streep.

  4. What a beautiful photo, an opportunity of a lifetime. I do need to read my lovely copy of this book -- soon I hope:) If I could only quit my job:)

  5. Oh how wonderful! I'm adding your step mother in laws book to my wish list. I do remember reading your glowing review. How awesome that she met Meryl Streep!

  6. Great photo! The book sounds intriguing and I like the idea of turning it into a movie. (Love the orange scarf, too!)

  7. How wonderful- to have an author MIL, and to get to meet Meryl Streep.

  8. What a wonderful photo! Congratulations to your MIL, it must have been an amazing event!

  9. What a wonderful opportunity and a lovely photo. I agree, we need more movies that spotlight women that made important contributions.

  10. A lovely photo and a very interessant book (and women).I like a lot the orange scarf !

  11. I love Meryl Streep! What a great photo and story!

    Have a great week!

  12. What a wonderful story. And it kind of cracks me up how Meryl Streep is leaning toward her!

  13. I love your connection to Meryl Streep and your MIL's meeting and photograph with her! Fabulous !

  14. How exciting! The possibilities are definitely there :)


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