Friday, December 7, 2012

7 Years Younger: Review and Giveaway, plus a $25,000 Spa Trip Sweepstakes!

Let's face it, ladies!  As women we want to look and feel young for as long as possible.  7 Years Younger: The Revolutionary 7-Week Anti-Aging Plan by the editors* of Good Housekeeping magazine addresses all of the topics vital to our health and appearance: skin, makeup, hair, diet, fitness, brain health, stress reduction, and maintaining a healthy weight.  Many of the ideas presented in the book reinforce what I already know and have been doing.  Yay!  However, I'm learning and picking up more tips, tidbits, and "tricks" as I read, so hopefully I'll look and feel younger soon. 

7 Years Younger is positive, upbeat, and inspiring.  It features a practical, "commonsense" approach to health that appeals to me.  Personally, I can't stand the all or nothing mentality when it comes to health and fitness, that requires you to be extreme and overly-regimented  in your diet and exercise program.

Move it or lose it!  I'm talking about exercise, of course--and I'll try not to get too preachy!  The book advises us to find an activity that we love; it could be playing tennis or Zumba or dancing or yoga or walking your dog, but the point is get up and do something that you enjoy doing on a regular basis (because frankly, if you don't enjoy it, you won't do it for very long).  For me, it's Spin classes right now, because the music gets me pumped up; after a while, it feels as if I'm dancing at a party or a club, and it stimulates my creativity in various directions.  I am also big on walking, although it's often hard to "schedule" walks.  So, I try to walk whenever I can, if only for short distances.  As the book points out, you can take shorter (but more frequent) walks if need be--it adds up!  Take the stairs, walk a bit farther from your car to the shop, take "little" walks.  You don't have to go to the gym five times a week, which is inconvenient for most of us.  (And why go to the gym and then come home and sit in front of the TV or computer screen, immobile for hours?  Do some chores around the house: take out the trash, put stuff away, move around, pitch in; not only will your spouse or significant other appreciate your efforts, but you'll get those pesky chores done and reap other benefits as well--a neater home and a more fit and streamlined physique).  In a nutshell, find a joyful "workout", and try to naturally incorporate more activity into your life.

There is ample nutritional advice in this book, too.  I do see "food as medicine", and the book motivates me to continue to eat foods that are nourishing (although I'm not perfect, I usually do make good food choices).  One quick example from the book: prepare a big spinach salad as part of your lunch with two cups of greens, with sliced tomatoes, red peppers, and mushrooms.  Coincidentally, I've  been making similar salads many times a week for the past several months if not longer (to accompany dinner, using mostly organic ingredients), with baby spinach leaves and all kinds of good incredible stuff, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, olives, sesame seeds, and whatever else we have.  I love the salads I make (sorry if that sounds boastful but they are fresh and fabulous!).  I started to use spinach as my main green after having a terrific salad at Applebee's for lunch one day (prior to that I usually used romaine lettuce, which I also love).

Picture courtesy of Wikipedia
I was happy to read about other foods that I consume that are good for me, such as coffee, tea, and dark chocolate.  I always feel good when I read about the health benefits of foods I already love!  According to the book, coffee has "anti-aging virtues" and may lower the risk of certain diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, melanoma, and Parkinson's, whereas drinking tea may lower the risk of heart attack and stroke, strengthen the immune system, fight cancer, protect tooth enamel, and help fight memory loss. (Wow! Time for some more coffee!  Later, I'll drink my "health tea"!)  Dark chocolate helps arteries function better, lowers bad LDL cholestrol and blood pressure, and improves blood flow to the skin and brain--all the more reason to indulge in this delicious, "decadent" treat! The book calls beans and lentils "protein powerhouses" and "nutritional fountains of youth".  (Okay, I promise I'll eat more beans and lentils!)  Fruits and vegetables, which I love and eat in abundance, are among the foods richest in antioxidants.  The book includes "age-delaying" recipes near the back which sound delicious, healthy, and easy-to-make,  such as Chicken Bruschetta, Shrimp and Spicy Tomatoes, and Turkey and White Bean Chili.  Yum! There's a wealth of nutritional information in this book, and it entices you to make the best possible food choices.  The outside reflects the inside, and what you eat is crucial to your health and appearance.  Simply put, you are what you eat, health and beauty wise.

I love books like this!  7 Years Younger is a pleasure to read, full of ideas, hope, and inspiration.  It's written in a friendly, down-to-earth manner, which is not overly scientific (although nutritional analyses for every single recipe and snack is provided in the appendix).  The book features the stories and photographs of ten real women who have taken the pledge, and you can sign your own "7 Years Younger Pledge" at the beginning of the book, and commit to the goal to look and feel your best by following the program in this book, which takes about two months, and which is thankfully about setting realistic and reachable personal goals.  I believe that health and beauty go hand in hand, from the inside out.  If you eat well, exercise, and get enough rest,  you will be healthier and look better and younger.  7 Years Younger is a valuable resource book for women of all ages.

7 Years Younger will be available to the general public early next year.  But, thanks to Bostick Communications and the editors of Good Housekeeping, I have an extra copy to give away to one reader.  If this sounds like a book you'd enjoy reading, enter my giveaway today (U.S. only)!

  • To enter this giveaway, simply leave a comment.
  • For another chance at winning, become a follower of this blog, or let me know that you're already a follower.
  • For an additional chance, post about this contest on your blog, Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter.
  • For one more chance, share a health or beauty tip in your comment.

Enter by 5 PM PST on Monday, December 17.  One winner will be selected randomly and announced on Tuesday, December 18.


To enter the sweepstakes, click here.  Good luck! 

* Executive editor Jennifer Cook, and other editors and director


  1. This sounds inspiring. An old friend of mine just moved here so I saw her this week for the first time in 9 years. She looked old to me which made me wonder just how old I look. I think I NEED this book!

  2. Hi Suko, I'm already a follower. My look younger tricks are to wear sunscreen everyday. Limit the amount of alcohol I drink to 1 drink a week, and to drink a salad everyday. I add spinach and other salad greens to a shake, add banana, mango or other fruits, add kefir and coconut water and some green powder like Spirulina and protein powder and viola you have a raw, healthy breakfast that keeps you looking and feeling younger.
    Lastly, to smile. People who are happy appear younger.
    booksnobsblog at gmail dot com

  3. I just got through reading your blog post,and this book do seem like a good read,and also inspiring.

  4. Ok, I want a copy of this book! Who wouldn't want to look younger.

    I already follow you in google reader.

    I pinned your giveaway on Pinterest.

    My beauty tip? Water. Drink lots of water. It makes a difference in how I feel and my skin looks better too.

  5. Wow, that is lot of information packed into a book and by the sound of it the author has done a good job :) I would love to have this. You know, I think you are right, for exercise - we need to find that one thing we enjoy doing.

    Lovely review!

  6. This sounds really good and would love to win. I'd love it more if it were (17) Years Younger, but (7) is a great start:) Thanks Susan

  7. I'm reading this now and I also love books like this. Even though I already think of myself as having a healthy lifestyle, there's always more to learn and do.

    No need to enter me... I'll be hosting a giveaway next week too.

  8. Please throw my name in the hat! I need all the help I can get. ;) I am very glad to hear that coffee and dark chocolate have some positive effects. I'm a big fan of salads full of spinach myself.

    diaryofaneccentric at hotmail dot com

  9. This sunds good Suko, and coffee has "anti-aging virtues"? Well, then I'm on the right I drink the stuff every day.

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog and hosting Mailbox Monday. Thanks for your review of "7 Years Younger." It sounds like it would be the perfect book for me! My health tip is to get plenty of rest. I am now following your blog. Thanks for sponsoring your Giveaway!

  11. I'm in favor of any diet book that advocates dark chocolate!! : )

    And this sounds like a practical book -- I like that. Eat better and move more. That is really all there is to it, isn't it?

  12. Can't wait to read this book! I have recently cut out sodas and sugary treats to lose weight and get healthy. Looking forward to looking younger too!
    I pinned this on Pinterest so tons of folks can see it!
    I already follow you.
    My tip is to make time to take care of yourself, no excuses.

  13. at age 63, i need to look and feel younger to keep up with my grandkids. this book will help in so many ways....leslie

  14. This book sounds very inspiring..I can't wait to read it.

  15. I need all 7 ways to feel for the info..The Giveaway is great too...Thanks Tracey

  16. This sounds very interesting. I already do alot of what is mentioned. Anything to help look and feel better.

  17. My e mail is mickmo@windstream .net I just posted a comment under anonymous.

  18. please enter me in the sweepstakes. the book sounds great

  19. Am always willing to try anything new to look young(er).The book sounds interesting. Kindly,enter me in the sweepstakes


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Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
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