Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mailbox Monday: On the Way

Zero, zip, zilch!  Next time, I'll request expedited shipping. This past week, I didn't get any books in the mail--my mailbox was devoid of books.  Good grief!

Don't feel too sorry for me though, because I'm expecting a few books in the mail soon that I think will be extraordinary, including Beneath Cold Seas: The Underwater Wilderness of the Pacific Northwest by photographer David Hall, Fleeting Memory, the first mystery in the Enescu Fleet series by Sherban Young, and a book I couldn't resist ordering earlier today after seeing it on Bellezza's blog, Dolce Bellezza, Christmas Stories (Everyman's Library) by a variety of writers, edited by Diana Secker Tesdell.

Created by Marcia, who has established various book blogs and also publishes the Mailbox Monday blog, I'm hosting this magical meme for the month of December (even when my own mailbox is empty).  Mailbox Monday is a friendly way to share the new books we've acquired.  What new books appeared in your mailbox recently, or on your shelves by some other means?  Please leave a comment after linking.  Thank you!


  1. Sounds like there's some good books heading your way! It's nice to have catch up weeks :) Happy reading & thanks for hosting!

  2. The soon to arrive book on underwater photography sounds fantastic.

  3. I hope the new books arrive underwater photography book sounds great.

  4. Hopefully your books get there soon! In Santa's sleigh, maybe? ;)

  5. I hope you receive your books soon. In the meantime you can catch up with reading,

  6. Hope you get some lovely book parcels soon!

  7. Sometimes the anticipation is almost as good as actually getting the books, right? (Note I said almost! ::grin::)

    1. Yes! Usually books zoom through the mail to me. I don't mind waiting a bit, especially during this busy time of the year.

  8. It's hard to wait for books during the holiday season; everything takes so long....


  9. Fleeting Memory was a cute read, hope you enjoy it.

    1. Thank you, Gigi Ann. I saw this book reviewed on a few blogs, including yours.

  10. I am expecting zip, zero, zilch this week, but I may be surprised. :)

    Have a great week. Thanks for hosting.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  11. I didn't get any books this week, but will have my book club meeting and will order that book soon. I hope your books arrive in time for Christmas!

  12. Beneath the Cold Seas sounds like it's going to be excellent! I love books that take a look at previously uncharted territory and give the reader a peek inside. Excellent stuff making its way to your mailbox!!

  13. A catch up time for you, I hope you receive your new books soon.

  14. I love that you ordered the Christmas Stories from Everyman's Library (just as I did when I saw it last year). Don't worry if it comes late, you'll still enjoy each one. I can't wait to read the one by Truman Capote since everyone says it's so fantastic. That gives me something to look forward to tonight. :)

    1. Bellezza, the Truman Capote Christmas story interests me as well. I'm not sure if I'll read the stories in order, or skip around.

  15. I'm a bit late in linking up today. I thought I was going to get a head start. Wrote my post yesterday, just needed to publish it this am and then link up. UGH! Life gets in the way!!
    Last Monday I had none to post either. It's OK, fun to look forward to books you know are in the mail. Or maybe under the Christmas tree!! :)

  16. I hope those books arrive soon, but if you're anything like me, you have PLENTY to read in the meantime. ;)

  17. Well I hope Santa doesn't forget to bring you books1

  18. I look forward to zero books sometimes. I try to use it to catch up some.

  19. Sounds like our household in which its either all or nothing - some weeks I worry about our post man's back and the possibility of a hernia and yet other weeks, as you say, there are no book deliveries and he sighs a huge sigh of relief.

  20. Enjoy the books when they get there Suko! I think I need a few weeks of 'no book' deliveries

  21. Sometimes those no-book-weeks are a blessing. Sorry it took me so long to get around to commenting!



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