Monday, December 31, 2018

First Lines 2018

My 2018 Blog Archive is quite scant.  I posted a mere 12 times in 2018, including this post.  I've enjoyed reading about books on other book blogs, but writing about the books that I've read has taken a backseat this year. Regardless of my lack of posts, I wanted to continue the tradition and wrap up my year in blogging with a First Lines summary post of the past year.  This meme is hosted at the end of each year by Melwyk from The Indextrious Reader, a well-written book blog that will entice you to add more books to your reading list.  The basic idea of First Lines is "to take the first line of each month's first post over the past year and see what it tells you about your blogging year".  I've participated in this meme since 2009, after seeing it on Kate's Book Blog, an incredible book blog that I discovered in my early days of blogging.  Without further ado or explanation, here are my First Lines, with some photos from my posts. (If the first line is very short, I've added an additional line.)  To read more of a post, simply click on the month.

Canvas Press, Inc., a company that specializes in creating custom canvas prints for homes and offices, offered me a canvas print in exchange for a review on my blog.

I didn't post.😔

Emerson and Thoreau! I studied their work in school, did you?

How will you celebrate?  April is National Poetry Month, a time to explore and experience the world of poetry.

Published in 2017, Sass, Smarts, and Stilettos: How Italian Women Make the Ordinary, Extraordinary by Gabriella Contestabile is a book that focuses on Italian women.

As a book blogger, I've participated in many online tours with Poetic Book Tours.


I didn't post.😔

Several months ago, I learned about the novel  Brahmahatya by Rajiv Mittal, published in 2017, on Tracy's wonderful book blog, Pen and Paper.

Do you remember making paper covers to protect your school books?

Many of my readers are also listeners, who greatly enjoy audiobooks.

Last month, I won the book The Tourist Trail on Serena's blog, Savvy Verse & Wit.

December (this post!)
My 2018 Blog Archive is quite scant.

As illustrated here, I started 2018 with a beautiful print from Canvas Press, featured exclusive guest posts and a few book reviews, and showcased a book related craft, during the rest of the year.  What's not shown here is that I continue to post book giveaways on my blog, to win books, to receive complimentary books from authors, agents, and publishers, and to relish my "private" reading (without posting). Although I did not post frequently, I genuinely enjoyed the posting that I did do over the past year, and the lovely comments that followed.  If you'd like to create a year-in-review summary of your own, please visit The Indextrious Reader's special end of the year meme, First Lines.

As always, your comments are welcomed. Thank you for reading, and happy New Year! 


  1. What a clever post! Happy New Year to you and the family!

  2. I also did not post nearly as many tines as I wanted to in 2019.

    I think that this first lines concept is very neat. It is so interesting to go back and see what one has posted.

    Hopefully 2019 will be a good year for reading and blogging! Happy New Year’s!

  3. Susan, I enjoy your lovely posts even if infrequent. I also enjoy the online friendship which spans many years. May 2019 bring you and your loved ones both health and happiness.

    1. Thank you very much, Diane. I love to post here, but too often "run out" of time. Have a happy and healthy 2019!

  4. Happy New Year Susan, and Daisy is too cute :) I always enjoy the First Lines Meme. It's a nice way to look back on the blogging year. :)

  5. Thank you all for the comments! :)

  6. Happy New Year. A very interesting concept. I read Emerson long ago

    1. Thanks, Mel! Emerson's ideas are valuable. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 2019!

  7. Vicki, I do think you'd enjoy the book. I can send you my copy to read, if you'd like (if I can find it in my stacks).

    Thank you very much for all of your terrific comments throughout 2018!

  8. Happy New Year Suko!!! I finally had a chance to read this post! Lovely post, regardless of the numbers of posts in 2018, each one was meaningful!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Eriko! I wish there were more hours in each day, for reading and blogging! :)

  9. I always enjoy your First Lines post and as you know had followed your example ... until that is this year when, would you believe it? The mis-click of a key and aggghhh, a whole year of First Lines was gone just like that.

    Anyway, happy new year. Here's to another year of wonderful posts. Thanks for the mention.

    1. Tracy, that is awful! All your work, down the drain. I hate when that happens.

      Thank you for stopping by, Tracy! :)

  10. I used to do a few meme posts for my blog but it has been so so long, I do enjoy yours though, here is to 2019 xxx


  11. I love that you do this each year! I didn’t blog as much in 2018 either. We will just have to see how 2019 goes :) I hope you have a wonderful year!

  12. Wonderful first lines. I always love reading your blog when you do post!


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Some of the books featured here were given to me free of charge by authors, publishers, and agents. As an Amazon Associate/Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
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