Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Have a Little Faith

Have you read Tuesdays with Morrie? Just about everyone has read it. Or The Five People You Meet in Heaven? Or how about For One More Day? I've read all three of these books by Mitch Albom, so when an ARC of Have a Little Faith: A True Story arrived in the mail, I was euphoric. I felt lucky to have been chosen to review Mitch Albom's newest book before it's released to the public on Sept. 29, 2009. Soon enough, though, the doubts started. Would it be as good, as touching, as his other books? And this one sounded religious--would I enjoy a book about a rabbi and a pastor--and a eulogy? Would I find this "true story" worthwhile?

Have a Little Faith
is about true events and people in the author's life. When Mitch Albom is asked by Albert Lewis, the rabbi of the temple Albom attended growing up in a suburb of New Jersey, to do his eulogy when the time comes, he's unsure but agrees. He attempts to get to know Albert Lewis (called "the Reb") better, so that his words will be more meaningful. He also gets to know Henry Covington, the pastor of an inner-city church in Detroit (Albom's current home), a former convict who has turned his life around and now dedicates himself to helping the homeless. Of different races, religions, and backgrounds, the rabbi and the pastor couldn't be more different, yet they share something stronger than their differences, a faith which is strong and resilient and convincing.

Usually, I don't "gush" about the books I review. It's not my style. I try to look for the positive, but I don't gush. Well, maybe I do, once in a while, but not too often and hopefully not too much, because it seems too simplistic to say, "I loved this book--read it!". But sometimes that's the best way to convey your enthusiasm. So I won't beat around the bush here. Have a Little Faith is an outstanding book, the best Mitch Albom book I've read so far (unless I've forgotten how I felt while reading his other books--it has been a while). I loved this book. It's called "inspirational" for good reason. It's a wonderful book to read, whatever your faith or religion or beliefs. It will leave you feeling good (or better) about humankind and give you hope for the future. And, like Mitch Albom, I am in love with hope.

Special thanks to Mitch Albom, Hyperion Books, and Library Thing for sending me this book.


  1. Wow - this sounds fantastic! I read and enjoyed For One More Day earlier this year. I need to catch up on his other books,and I definitely need to check out Have a Little Faith!

  2. I am glad to read this review because I had been wondering about this book. Glad to know that you enjoyed it just as much as the others and that it was a great read. I am going to be putting this on my wish list.

  3. I enjoyed The Five People You Meet in Heaven -- I thought it was a good story with some important things to say about what it means to be human. :-) Based on your review, I'll probably look for this one too. Thanks!

  4. Laura, I think you'd like this book as much as I did. It ponders many important questions.

    Zibilee, you've already heard of this book--you must be a Mitch Albom fan.

    Laughing Stars, thanks for taking a few moments to comment.

    More comments welcomed.

  5. This sounds very good! I hope I get to read it soon! You are such a great writer. You should write a book about your blogging experience!

  6. brrr! i have not read any of th books you mention here :(

    I think i really need to read Tuesdays with Morrie first!

  7. Great review on this book; i was going to pass until i read your review.

    i liked Tuesdays With Morrie, but Five People You Meet in Heaven (not so much).

    Thanks Suko

  8. Angie, thank you! ;)

    Veens, you could read any of his books first.

    Diane, thanks for stopping by!

  9. I absolutely agree with you! Best Albom book yet! Have you been to his website? (, there are all sorts of discussions going on in reference to the book and questions Mitch asks of the Rabbi and the Pastor.

    For those of you who haven't had a chance to read the book yet (I, too, received an advance reader's copy), the website also has excerpts from the book, as well as video clips of Mitch reading specific passages.

    Meanwhile, like Suko, I don't want to gush about this book, but it's hard not to do so. So let me just say, if you found this book even HALF as good as I did, it will be well-worth the purchase.

    Enjoy! Then lets discuss!


  10. I read Tuesdays with Morrie and liked it, but I wasn't so impressed with Five People You Meet in Heaven. I almost gave up on him actually. I'm wondering if I should try this book, as you said it's his best so far. His writing is a bit too... dramatic. Do you know what I mean?

  11. Lisa, thanks for your comments! I've been to the author's website and have a link to it in the first paragraph of my post. I will stop by his site to join the discussion(s) there. :)

    Mee, I found this book to be riveting. To me, Mitch Albom is an excellent writer, and I enjoy his intensity.

  12. This sounds like an inspiring and wonderful book. Gush away! I need to add it to my TBR.


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